Thursday, November 23, 2006
Leaving and Arriving
THe last few weeks i tried to pack up a bit, and get ready in advance. It's really hard to do that. The hardest thing is making the decisions about what stays and what goes. What do you realy need, what should you leave cuz you can get it in Canada anyways, but why do you want to get it again if you already have it? Oh no, I think I just sounded like a pack rat...ya I guess I am in a way, and yes, i hate it and i love it too. I love my stuff. I shouldnt, and I want to be minimalist, but that never seems to happen. Actually, i find comfort in what i have. Evil, EVIL!
Anyway, the new teacher, Michael, came to Kids Club. I'm glad i was there, because man, it's a crazy experience coming to a new school being a new teacher. I didnt have anyone to help me, and I'm sure it would have helped a lot if I could have observed them a bit, and talked with them. It sounds like the other new teacher isn't liking is as much though. I guess that's how it goes.
So, back to me! I had some help from a very meaningful friend to help me move the last weekend, and I couldnt have done it without the help. My gosh. I had to leave some stuff in the apartment that I couldnt take down to the garbage (I'm not sure if it went there anyway), or I would have missed my plane! I feel bad, but I believe they have someone to come in and clean it all up anyway. Still. But I had to catch the plane!
So the last day was nice. The bus driver bought pizza so we had a pizza/goodbye party. i got a shirt that I wanted everyone to sign, and that was loads of fun. Everyone went nuts! So I have a really cool shirt all signed in Korean...and a little English by the kids. So cute. I miss them like mad. Rachel teacher, and the kids. Believe it or not!
I would love to go back, but I dont know what life has in store for me yet. It's good to be back in Canada and to deal with the things I left behind. To see friends and family is nice. All the English is giving me a headache though! Like sensory overload! My time schedule is all messed up. It's getting back to 'normal' soon enough though...but I've been sleepign in till 1 pm. Gotta get onto a schedule of some sort soon! Guess that means getting a job!
THe plane ride over was good. I just LOVE the take have NO idea! The more the better! I just hate HATE turbulence. Other than that. I was a bit bummed that my seat was RIGHT over the wing, so I couldnt see much even if I wanted to. Darnit. But then mother nature took over that, and it was either dark, or cloudy the whole way. Even over Alaska darmit!
I got to learn a bit of Russian on the plane. That was fun. And i watched a bit of a Korean movie that i really want to finish sometime. I should try and remember the name...crap. It's about a girl and a boy who are friends from childhood, and then end up discovering that they like eachother. Classic and the cutest, especially in Korean!
Michael ended up picking me up from the airport. That was the coolest thing...seeing him after all this time. Getting a ride in the 'bus' too. Tee hee!
So now I'm staying with Ahmed, the guy that has been waiting for me for a year. It's soo good to see him. And now all the rest of the drama continues...
I wonder what will be next...Who knows, I could come back to korea sometime soon! Or go somewhere crazier! How fun would that be?
Oh! And I cant believe how early it gets dark here! Korea's sunsets are almost always around the same time. It's not so much in Canada! But i can SEE the sunsets here, and they're soo beautiful.
And I can't believe how small Vancouver is! Strangie! Oh, and Vancouver is soooo gray and BLAH! I can't believe it! SO what are these architects and designers doing?! Lets get some COLOR!
It's nice to go shopping for clothes that fit, but the prices are a bit harder to get used to again. The food is soooo greasy and fatty...I'm so scared I'm gonna gain a bunch of weight again... It's almost too much for me to handle.
People's personal space is certainly different, and lining up for the bus is so wierd to me! ha ha. I'm used to the rush! And the sky train too! People are so polite! It's almost annoying...just GO! The sky train is so narrow, half the size of what I'm now used to in Gwangju and Seoul. Interesting. People here say sorry WAY too much too. Geez! Just touch me and you'll get a law suit or something! Overall its not that bad. Just the things I notice. And now I'm comparing everything to korea! If i dont compare one way, i'm going the other! Sorry guys...but I guess it's the nature of travelling.
And I'm going desparate to hear some foreign language! Korean please! And another observation, there are SOOO many people here from SOOO many different backgrounds! It's quite amazing! Never realized it before.
Ok kids, that's all for now. Till next time!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
John Teacher is kayo to Yonguk
Just not the same without him.
The 2 week countdown
I'm so glad that I've kept this blog. Even if it has waned during the year, at least I've put important stuff on here.
So, what have I learned and experienced? There's a lot to a year. But here's a smidgen. I've learned a bit of the Korean language, the culture, experienced the generosity of the people. I can understand generally what someone is saying in a conversation. I wish I could compose a few sentences that are a bit better than what I can, but that's ok.
I could see myself coming back to Korea, depending on how I feel and how things go when I get back to Canada. I'd like to live in Busan or something like that. I'd like to go to Japan and China still. I did spend a few days in Fukoka, Japan, but I would love to go and see the rest of it.
I've had the opportunity to teach kindergarten, elementary, and a bit of highschool kids. That's taught me more than anything. Man, kids are great. They can drive u nuts, but looking over it, they always come and make u smile somehow. They can be mad at u one minute, and come and hug you the next. And for no reason. Man, I have to remember how to be that forgiving! Forgive and forget that's for sure!
Yesterday, I told my fave class, "red class" that I had to go to canada in 2 weeks. They know it, and they were actually asking, but somehow it was more 'real. One little guy, Sam just took it quite hard. As soon as I showed him on the calandar he started crying, and full on put his head down on the desk for a few minutes and was crying! Oh I got teary and my heart was being pulled...I love that kid! He got up and was wiping his eyes. Just about killed me. But at least they do know that that's how it is when we get here. I wonder if I'll see them again.
So I have no idea how I'm going to pack all my Korean wardrobe collections up! I do have HUGE suitcases, but geez. Here I was trying to not get things when I came, but so much for that! It's okay, I'm glad I did. Even if I didnt save anything.
Anyway, I'll have to finish this later. Lunchtime is winding down...and I gotta do my 5 minutes of prep! Ha ha!
Oh, and Obi, keep pluggin. It's all part of the trip ;)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Choseuk Continued..
But I dont think I wrote about tour I took yet. I ended up stopping at the info center, and the guy there spoke enough English to get me by. I wanted to change the time of pickup of the tour I booked so that they would pick me up at the jimjilbang instead of me having to come into town, and come all the way back. So, once that was confirmed...he got me to wait for him to close so he could give me a ride to the Ajapji Pond. I could have taken a bus, but I felt comfortable enough in this case. Strange how that is.
So I got to see Ajapji Pond at night, and I'm very very glad I did. It was fantastic. Have a look through my pics on Flickr to see it. There's 3 buildings there that are positioned amazingly wonderfully together. Now if I wasnt seeing it would be so incredibly romantic. I found myself imagining and envisioning what it would be like years and years ago(or not that long ago) when the older generations and royalty would stroll through the pond. All dressed in their hanbok and all the colors, The interesting thing about most things I saw in Kyeongju was that where there weren't palaces, there were markings in stone where the columns would have been. They were all on flat mounds about 2 feet above the paths between them. It was really quite beautiful.
And the interesting thing about that was that I saw it repeated on the hill where the most important palace was too. Just a big clearing with column markings, bu tthere was the 'ice box room' left. That was impressive on its own. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
After the pond, I decided to walk a bit. It was too late to get the bus to the jimjilbang I was recommended to stay at, so I thought I would go to the one in town I went to the last night. I walked by another pond that was filled with Huge lotus flowers and leaves all shaped like big discs. Incredible how big those leaves are!! And the flowers too!
Then I wandered a bit down the street and saw where the famous building is that was used to map the stars. It was all lit up as usual, and it looked quite fantastic.
Then I happened to notice a cafe across the street. It was called Mauricio Del Toro, who is a famous Opera singer. Yep, I had to go in. Why not go and relax a bit. Glad I did. There was no one there...and it turned out that the owner is a Korean Opera singer! I ended up getting a performance even! Woohoo! He put on this TV show/documentary of him singing and about him in Kyeongju. The best part of that was where he was riding his Harley with his Cocker Spaniel on it! Lmao! Then I said I had better go, and he invited to show me the palace and stuff. So here I was going with this Korean opera/biker showing me the sights! And he was a perfect gentleman about it...thank goodness.
So we walked through an old folk villiage, and to the Cheong.... watchtower, and he showed me the palace site and the ice box thing. Yay. Another thing on my list accomplished. And then I got the best part of my whole trip. He said he would give me a bike ride to the jimjilbang! So yep folks, there I was, riding on the back of a Harley with an Korean opera singer! Wooohooo! I've always wanted to try riding on a Harley! I wished I paid attention to what make it was n stuff...but I do have the picture to prove it. Heh heh.
And then there was the jimjilbang. If you dont know from my previous writing, a jim jil bang is a Korean version of a sauna. This one was really quite fantastic. I felt like I was in a country house, and the saunas were traditionally shaped in abeehive style. You have to stoop low to get in them, the door is only about 3' high. And once you get in, there are slabs of wook lined up against the wall vertically, and you sit on the grass mats on the floor and sweat yer heart out! And they had a pretty good sleepign room too. Yay.
The next morning I got ready to meet the bus. Got it just in time. Got some rice growing by the side of the road too. First stop was the Bulgoksa Temple. It's I think one of the most important things to see in Korea. It's another palace that is quite exquisite. You feel like there's royalty that lived there.
It was here that I met the other foreigner that was on my bus. He turned out to be from France. And I turned out to be an interpreter between what Korean I know, and what French I know! Imagine that! And I didnt do too bad either!
The next stops were things I can't all remember at the moment, but they were all things like temples, and monuments, and all very important sites to see in Gyeongju. THe best things about it was that after Korea startign to feel a bit repetitive, it was a nice twist on the 'normal' things I've seen here. They are very similar, but I can start to see the differences. Kyeongju is really different, and feels like it's really old, and yet new, and has that history.
I think the biggest thing that sticks out for me is the dome tombs. They're really quite incredible. They're spaced out or grouped together, and some are more important than others, but they're all quite interesting. At the end of the tour, I walked, or rather, hiked to the top of one. I was surpprised to find that the top was flat. You woulndt know it from looking at it on the ground. Quite interesting, really. It was a great view. I could see and reference how the city is laid out, and refer to the map that they showed us earlier. I met a Chinese woman and her daughter at the top too..and she spoke really quite good English! Ha ha. Then I went window shopping, and then went to the jimjilbang in town.
The next day, I decided to go see the Seokoram Grotto, and then go to Seoul. I had a bus ticket for 2 pm, but in the end missed it. Thank goodness I could exchange it. It was worth staying though. Then as I was going to catch the bus to go to Seoul, I happend to be walking towards the bus when I saw this guy who was obviously a foreigner...and nodded hi. We ended up having a short conversation, and he was off to Seoul as well. So, we ended up sitting together on the bus. Strange. Turns out he is Russian and Uzbekistanian (!) and we ended up only being able to really communicate in Korean! Imagine that! So here I am speakign Korean with a Russian! H aha...and actually I'm suprised at how we ended up communicating. His name is Hon, so he said. It turns out to be Bahodirhon, but eveyone calls him Bahodir, and we ended up hanging out quite a bit during the rest of my time in Seoul. I didnt really have an agenda besides seeing more of Seoul, and this time I ended up feeling I went to Uzbekistan and Russia! He showed me where the Russian/Uzbekistan section of Seoul was, and man it was awesome to have some different food!
THe next day he invited me to hang out with some of his friends for a 'birthday party' I figgered why not. So off we went to Incheon, and I ended up going from one friend's house to another to celebrate Chuseok, but it felt like it was Christmas. It was the most amazing experience. A bit crazy freaky, and potentially quite dangerous because here I was one girl, and I thought there were going to be more girls, but it ended up beign all guys. And there I am, only able to speak korean with them! Bizarre. They were all very nice and hospitable, and it was an experience I'll never forget.
We went to go shopping in Dongdaemun, and other places. We went to a really cool building where Karim Rashid designed the interior I believe, or furniture anyway. It was on the 60th floor of the building. We went to the Seoul Tower, but didnt go up because there were lineups for hours probably. Oh well, hopefully another time.
Then all too soon, it was time to go home. I ended up finally taking the KTX (or the fast train) to Gwangju. It took 3 hours instead of 3.5 or 4, I can't quite remember which. It seemed a bit faster than that even....glad I did it that way.
So that was the summary of Chuseok. I'm glad I stayed in Korea, and I didnt even end up spending al lthat I though I would! Imagine that! And I got to go shopping too. Not as much as I would if i were alone, and that's probably what saved me! Ha. Glad it did.
Anyhooo..I really really gotta go to sleep now. But I'm glad I finally got to writing this.
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hey everybuddeeee....
It's been a week since I got back from Chuseok (the Korean Thanksgiving that's as big of a deal as Christmas in the Americas..) and I still havent got to writing about it. I think I'll have to do it in snippetts or something, as time permits.
Well as you see above theres a bit of a story to this bike ride....but that willl come a bit later.
So Chuseok started for me on Friday afternoon when I got off work at 3 pm as usual. I decided to hang out around Gwangju and relax for the weekend, and then leave for Gyeongju on Sunday afternoon. I left Gwangju at 4:50 pm and arrived in Gyeongju almost 4 hours later. It was quite dark, and I just got to the bus station, and then decided to wander around.
I saw a hotel that advertised a sports massage but it turned out they didnt have it available...which rather sucked. No worries. Then I found a hostel that charged about 25 a night. Nah....jimjilbang it is for me. I found downtown somehow, and did some window shopping. Then got a taxi to find the nearest jimjilbang. I've been looking forward to a jimjilbang for a while now. Thank God for them!
The lady there was a bit rude as I got there at 1 30 am and they were cleaning up the sauna room where u shower, and she told me I couldnt wash up! That's the first time that's happened. No worries...upstairs I went to sleep. I found a really nice corner on the marble floor and a pillow and crashed in the room full of snoring people.
The next mornign I woke up at around 930 and checked my email and then got ready to go. I had no idea how or what I wanted to do really. I did some research online to see what sites I should see.
Got a taxi to the bus station where there was an info center, as i decided that might be a good way to figure out where to go and how to do it...someone there spoke some English..yay.
I found out what bus went to a place that's called Poseokjeongji which what is left of an ancient palace or temple and theres a water trough in stone where the kings used to float their tea cups and/or candles. It's really tranquil and beautiful.
Then there was a tomb there of a king, which was the first one i went right up to. There was one downtown too, but I didint clue in to what it was right away as it was night and i was tired.! Duh!
Caught the bus back, and then went to try to go to another place that was a famous Buddha statue, but I got out there an hour later to connect to another bus that went up the mountain and I found out I just missed it. Grrr... oh well.
K, I gotta run.....will continue my Gyeongju adventures....
Friday, September 29, 2006
Vacation/Holiday starts today!
SO much for that!
But..blogger has changed and i've got another toy to play with! Woohooo!
AND, I've got my Flickr slideshow right above you! Woooooo! Internet is so much fun!
So here goes a week of no work...and a holiday...and gosh darnit I need it!
And I'm hungry, so I'd better go and eat somethin..
Thursday, September 28, 2006
mad night shopper
um ya...this is ME in korea! yup yup...I'm an avid shopper ANY time of day and I have to admit it. Geez I luv Korea for that!
Man, tonight I just couldnt get my groove on right in taekwondo. Errrrrr....poor instructor cutie... and man we're such flirts. Geez...well he is..I'm just trying to keep my composure! It doesnt help that Koreans are so touchy....No personal boundary bubbles thats for sure. But how did they get so cute shy anyway? haha. I'll have to get a picture really realy soon. Of both me doing taekwondo...and my instructor, and the man who owns it. He's like my korean dad. I really love that guy..he's just the best. And all the deep bows that you do in taekwondo...I really want to ingrain that in my head...cuz I really like the feeling that it gives. Its humbling, and reminds you to respect a different way than just smiling at someone does.
Anyyyyway...I'm at a PC bang again. Not so smoky here thank goodness. I always come home feeling greasy and stinking to 'high heaven' they say.'s nasty. But nothin a little air cleaning and fabric spray or washing wont' help!!
okay..i gotta get me to bed...will update more later...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Friends leaving, friends that keep in touch
And the wierd thing is that I'll soon be going back to Canada myself. I really worry too much about it. I need to just surf along with it. I need to get a job, and all that stuff again. Egh.....or aaaiiissshhh! as they say here. I like that. It's part of my vocab now!
It was great ..last night I spoke to my friend Brad in Moscow, (formerly of Australia) and man we had a great conversation. I really needed laugh and just be care free of all the stuff that's on my mind. Thanx Bradley ..tee hee!
I've been staying up wayyy too late lately, 3 am the last few...and I paid for it today. I got a fone call waking me was my boss...and he was wondering where I was..then the horrible truth occurred to was 10 AFTER 10, and I was late! Ahhh! Everytime I swear, I've been just on time or a minute late when the boss is there. Geeez! If he's not there, I'm on time! As If! O well, it worked out ok.
John and I ended up going to Ssangji (kindergarten) and they paraded all the kids into a room...all 200 of them I swear...and we had to sing songs with them. problem...but what songs? The Korean teacher in charge didnt know, we didnt know, we volunteered some, but what the heck were we supposed to do? Just stand there and learn the songs as we go to 'teach' the kids! Ha ha! Crazy how this works...but it just does. We'll hopefully get it together at some point!
WEll, Choseuk is here for me on Friday pm....and I'll be staying in Korea. I would love to go to China, but it looks like that's not going tho happen. The whole country is on holiday and that's more people that the population of all of Canada doing a mass exodus or travelling to be with their ya...SOL for me. Plans gone awry ..and what else is new. I really have to learn to plan in ADVANCE and decide IN ADVANCE! Well I did have big plans but that's a whole other situation now. LOTS has happened in the last few weeks that has totally set me off balance anyway. But I'm kindof glad to stay here. Less to worry about at the moment.
I know how to travel in Korea. I know the language enough to get by and get to where I need to go. And now I can finally spend some time in Seoul enough to see the things I've wanted to see for a while. Just to cruize around and enjoy myself at my own pace.
I'm going to Kyonngju first see the most 'famous' or 'important' folk village and palaces in Korea besides the ones in Seoul. Yeehaw... I'll have to try my best to stay away from shopping, and to go hiking and get some RELAXATION! I gotta unwind a bit. Thank goodness for holidays!
And then three weeks of teachign and my time here will be over! And then the world is wide open for things to happen. So you never know. I could even come back to Korea! We'll see how I feel and how things go in Canada. Its just the unknowingness that 's making me super anxious!
Imagination overboard!!!
Okay gotta sleep or I'll be up late and regret it again!
Monday, September 18, 2006
So I'm planning on going to Egypt in November
But its going to be a dream come true, added to the fact that I've been living here in Korea for almost a year! I could indeed stay here another year. I do like Korea. I'm really going to miss a lot of things about it here. The lifestyle is nice, the generosity of the people is wonderful, the fellow waeguks I've met here have become my second family here.
I've felt a bit like I've missed out on a summer though...and going back to a Vancouver winter isnt something I'm looking forward to. Vancouver had a fabulous summer I hear. That makes me sad and a bit frustrated. It's been so rainy here it feels. Not that we didnt have some nice weather. THank God for Jeju-do! That was my summer ...all of one week it feels like. Ah well..I can't complain. It's been nice and warm. Not like you still have to wear a long sleeve sweater at night like in Vancouver. I do like that about it here. And I havent minded the humidity after all.
I'm paranoid about going back to Canadian finances, dealing with 'reality' again, making more decisions about life in general there, stuff like that. I'm super excited about coming back and seeing my friends and family and other very important people in my life.
I'm a bit anxious as to where my life will go from there. What direction my careers (plural) will take me. Teaching English is something I really enjoy, and then there's hairdressing, and Interior Design that I want to explore more of too. But this has certainly changed some things for me here.
My gosh I'm going to miss those kids...relieved to be rid of them in a small way...but miss them more. Strange how that is. I'm so glad I've had that experience. I'm going to miss coming to work and being greeted with some wierd thing that they have to say. Or coming to show me their latest toy or something strange liek that! Or "Wendy teacher"! Or 'Wonder teacher'! as they've now started recently! Ha ha! Can't argue with that!
And then I've turned so girly its not even funny. I'm loving the shopping here, and I've not saved nearly as much as I thought I might...but I've loved everything I've got here. A camera, a bunch to my sister who's been owed it (or just because I could for once in my lifetime), a trip to Jeju-do that felt like a REAL holiday, I forget what else, but it's all been worth it. And now..a trip to Egypt! Woohooo! I need another 4 years here to pay off my student loans tho. Too bad Canada can't compare to Korea financially right now for me. Darnit! Nah, I've had this experience that has taught me so much.
Well, I'm sitting here at a PC Bang and I should get going soon. This place is addictive..or the internet is anyway! Till next time...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
别误会. 朋友关系
I love this shot. It exemplifies the way Asian men are. I really wish Western ppl were more like this. Its so caring and friendly and no implications of anything else but that. I think so anyway. THis is some pictures I just found from some guy in China...and I love his shots!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Weekend ...back to Monday....Aiiish!
So this weekend I went to Suwon/Seoul to visit some Korean and Canadian friends. It was a blast! I really needed to get away. Even in Korea!
Went dancing to loosen up the bones and exercise. Walked around Suwon looking at the sites, went for a midnight 'walk' around Suwon's fortress wall. It takes 2 hrs to walk around. Candice, Dave, and Peter and I went around it, and half way through stopped off for some YUMMY homemade mandoo. Mandoo is SOOO yummy. Kimchi mandooo! The guys were all in the front window making it. IT's the first place in Korea that I've seen a line up to eat there! And yes it was worth it. It's funny how I love kimchi now. I'm glad, cuz i wanted to but never got it. I just had to eat Korean style for this long to find out. Now it seems wrong if I dont have rice and kimchi everyday! Ha ha.
Sticker on a garbage can
Doood! That's so awesome! Such a great shot. Tee hee! Darmit I wish I saw/took it!
Update to follow:
Monday, September 04, 2006
Worried sick...literally! :S
It was a flu-like sickness...and now I've got a cold. Thank goodness I seem to have slept most of it off on Sunday. It's the worst. The sicknesses I have had here all seem to be the same idea. A sore sore throat, that evolves into flu like ACHES and head cold. The runny nose is in all of a sudden you'd better have something there to catch it or else! Sorry for the descriptions..but hey..the point was to document all of my stay here in this is part of it! And if you're thinking of coming here, it helps to know what u might be in for if u do get sick!
I also highly reccommend if its possible to bring all the meds you're used to from home cuz the meds here dont seem to work as strongly as Canadian or 'American' ones do. ANyway..that's it for that blurb. SItting here in a super smoky PC bang doesnt help too much. THing is you go home and u reek like smoke. Man, I feel like I complain too much.
Anyhoo, heard from my friend who just moved to Moscow to teach English. You GO, Obi Radski! Proud o ya. Now TELL ME THE STORY OF NYC!!! Darmit! I'd like to compare the differences of teaching there and here. Hmmmmm. Interesting thought. I wonder if I could get a job in Egypt teaching, and as a woman would I like it there? Hmmmm.... Or Turkey? Oooh the possibilities!
So, lately I think i've worried myself sick because I've been fretting a lot about going back to Canada, and the issues that will be waiting for me when I get back. UGH...NOT looking forward to it. I'm SUPER looking forward to seeing my friends and family and someone who has my heart on the shores of English Bay. Can't help it. It's gonna be sooo wierd. I've loved the lifestyle here, and I've been sooo spoiled. I've not saved nearly as much as I thought ..but I have paid some things that I wouldnt have been able to in Canada...that's for sure.
I've been able to buy cool clothes, and go places in Korea, and I've taken a trip to Japan, short as it was I've got the stamp and the experience! I was fully expecting and planning to go somewhere 'BIG' on the holiday in October, but it turns out I'll be doing that in November when my contract is over. I have then been thinking...what if I could go to China?!!! Oooh! I really would love to go to see Beijing and Xian where the Terracotta warriors are...and do some shopping that's cheaper than Korea so I hear! How can that be?!!! Man, maybe that's a good reason not to go! But I'm in ASIA darmit! I gotta go places while I can! vs experience like i've dreamed of...
So that's the thing, I've got 10 days off, and I will be spending money one way or another. And if China is cheaper...but if I stay in Korea then I'd like to go see Kyongju, the place that is raved about for historical architecture Korea. A must see...and maybe the DMZ in Seoul. I could cruize Seoul and see more of it...cuz I have only been able to experience rushed weekends there. That's a possibility. But I could be spending the same amount there as going to China. What to do...Someone make up my mind for me!
And the next saving to go to Egypt! I dont really even feel that it is real! That I'm planning to go..really! TO EGYPT! Strangie! Oh man, but the things I'm gonna see and do! And share! And experience! And yep, I'm going with an insider that knows where he's going! And that's so fantastic, cuz I wouldnt be able to do it myself that's for sure!
So I could actually count the weeks now. I'm feeling anxious about leaving in general. Korea has become normal to me, and now I'm feeling as anxious as I was about leaving Canada...but I know as soon as I get up in the plane to Egypt that will be another adventure fulfilled. But going back to Canada and the the 'known' I'm not sure. It's like I want to live up to the meaning in my name...Wendy means 'wanderer' apparently.
Well, I suppose it's cuz I'm floating after this, and I'm not clear on which direction to go after this. I do know that I'll pursue teaching in Vancouver and see how I feel about that. I do love teaching, but part of me really wants to design still... I'm a bit worried because of the time lapse, and I wonder how I'll be able to cope with that. I'm sure I can just stick my foot back in there again.
Visions of spaces have been popping up in my brain, and I need that creativity hands on stuff.
Regarding Korea, I could certainly see myself staying or coming back here...but that is yet to be seen. I know that it's for me to go back to Canada to get a reality check, to see how I feel with the coming home, and the situations there. And time will tell. Not having any feeling of how that will go, or no way to control it is really frustrating...but what can I do?
Well that's that. Exposure complete...almost.
I'd better git myself to bed soon. Dont wanna get sicker...later gator!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The perfect class
I started the class by writing down a conversation on the board that wasnt in order and got them to read it first. I asked them if it was right or not. They said no. Then I got them to order it correctly and I wrote the corresponding number in front of the sentence. Then got them to read it correctly. I also put in a sentence that didnt fit to see if they got it. They actually did somewhat!
I want to go to Paris.
What did you do there?
I played tennis in Paris.
How long were you there?
I was there for eight days.
I want to go to Tokyo.
That was what I wrote on the board. Not in that order. A few words were different I think, but that was the idea.
Then I got a piece of blank paper and wrote "I want to go to Egypt" and folded the paper down to cover just the sentence. I explained quickly that it was a secret. Then I wrote another sentence like "Tyler laughs funny", and a few other ones to get the hint that it wasnt quite supposed to make sense in conversation terms.
I got 3 pieces of paper circulating and after a few tries and arguements over who wrote on which piece of paper and which way it was going after I told them and they didnt listen...I started to count down from 10 or 15. They had to finish writing the sentence in that time. I was suprised at how it got going, and they actually wrote sentences! Or close to that idea.
Then after it was all finished writing and the paper was full and all folded up, I numbered them randomly. They remembered their number and i called out numbers randomly from 1-8. There are 8 kids in the class. If their number was called they got to unfold and read the paper. They understood it and got laughing at things like "Jenny is babo" (Which means stupid in Korean). I used it to explain that it wasnt nice to call someone that. They know that...but its good to explain the concept of not nice. There were even a few "Jennifer is cute" and "Joanne likes Tom"! Ha ha! REmember that stuff when u were 10-12?! Wow...was it really that young an age?
Gotta run...but the gist is that it worked great. And I got them to make up their own sentence for a kooney at the end of class by getting them all to say one word to make up the sentence. It was great and they remembered it really easily and quickly! Woohooo! There is hope!
There was one song where they had a big Egyptian courtroom ceremony for the warriors coming back from the war victorious, and Aida sang above them all! It was incredible. But the best part of her performance wasnt the loudest part. It was in one of her solos and then duets where her voice dramatically de-crecendoed (geez I forget all my music I made that up) to almost a pin-drop, but you could still hear her like she was sitting beside you. I was gasping and the Koreans next to me wondered what I was doing! Ha ha...if you know me that's not unusual! She has definitely mastered the art of throwing her voice and having the utmost control over it. It was obviously a highlight for me.
The costumes were fantastic as well. They seemed quite authentic, but the colors also told a story. Aida was in all red, the warrior and her love was in all blue, the queen was in all gold, as well as the pharoah. There were dancers that had a nude body suit on, with a sheer white Egyptian skirt. Perfect. The woman singers were in all white long dresses, and the men were in dark blue.
The backdrops were very simple but powerful. Sometimes just a lounging bed in the middle and benches on the sides, or even just a picture of the tombs in Egypt, or columns. The best one was either the solo part where there was what I think is the fallen head of a pharoah, so it was a monster-sized head in half on the stage. That sounds a bit grotesque, but it was fabulous. One super large piece on the stage that spoke so much. The other one was the closing act, where on both sides of the stage were triangle shapes in black with an entrance in the middle. At the end of the act, the triangle shapes became three dimentional and started moving together to eclipse Aida and her lover inside them as they sang the most powerful and moving song. Then the pyramid closed, and the queen came around to sing her last lament about not being able to get Aida's lover that she wanted. Such is life...and so is opera. Can u tell I love opera?
And the lighting. Now that was super awesome. Lighting is almost overdone here in Korea, and I'm LOVING it.
Anyhoo...about life in Korea. Its cloudy and humid and rainy again. I'm feeling a bit depressed and feel that I'm missing summer altogether. Thank goodness for the 4 days on Jeju Island...or I woulndt feel like I've had a summer much at all. I hear Vancouver has had one of the best figures that I've missed it.
I cant believe it will be finished in a few weeks...about 12 of them, or is it 11 now? That's just crazy. I'm feeling quite anxious about leaving here, and the certain comforts it has had, like not paying rent for example!
There is Chosuk that is the Korean thanksgiving holiday that I have to figgure out where to go. I was planning on possibly going to Egypt, but it looks like I will try to do that after my contract is over. So I think I will go to China. I'd LOVE to see the terracotta warriors and Beijing and the big palace there. Crap, I cant remember what it's called right now! But its cheap to travel in China, so I might be well off to do that...and acchieve seeing another country and its treasures! I cant believe I am able to do that! FINALLY! Woohooo!
Gotta run to class....later!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Blue alley again
Was looking at my pics and found this one again. Man I LOVE this shot. The colors and everything. Reminds me of a certain painting...that a certain person and I share. And the COLORS!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Today I went to a hairdresser to look at color, and this guy ran up to me and was very interested in what i was looking at...(the color chart), and then by the time I was done, I left with an updo for 'service'! It was quite fun to watch him do it...he was just dying to get his fingers in my hair. Blonde and Russian and all...he was pretty happy. But beyond the hitting on me, I could tell he was good...cuz when he was doing my hair he had that look of sheer excitement like I get when I get something really unusual to do or work on. I left with a bow of hair in th back and he teased it all up, and I must say I'm impressed. Not sure about the bigness in the front but it was fun. Highlights, or just a few are called 'color point'. I kinda like that!
And also...about kids...last night I went to jimjilbang with John. We decided to play pool and 2 seconds later we had 6 kids running around and shrieking when we got a ball they could watch it go down! Ha ha. And they were all speacking Korean to us and expecting us to reply. John did...but I was just speechless. Ugh...he's learning conversation way better and faster than I am. I must admit I get lazy tho....I listen well and understand most things in general...but stilll...I should make more of an effort to speak though. In the saunas there are stones that you lay on. Its really great but this time thanks to the kids following us around, the just jumped in and covered us with rocks. It was really awesome. They're so unselfish and have to sense of personal space or getting into yours. It's quite nice in a way. Imagine a stranger coming up to you and hugging you out of the blue almost.
gotta sleep.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Today is just another day
Man, it's been a while. So many things run thru my head that I have to write, but then...I try to collect them...we'll see what I can do this time. Might have to be a few entries.
Well, this weekend was a in good and bad. I stayed up till 430 am in the noribang with a buncha ppl. Was sooo much fun. Liz and I were dueting fabulously, and Mel gave the best solo action to a Korean song she didnt even know...adn blew us away! Julian and Mel had 5 years together today, and he was being the most romantic guy, including bringing a dozen roses and keepign them for a special moment.... Serenades and everything. So awesome to see a couple like that. I'm envious!
School/work is going just fine. I've really come to a plateau of sorts in a good way I feel lately. Everyday is a challenge, but everytime I come out of it I feel good about it. And everyday there are little surprises.
I've been keeping a sticker chart, and every 25 stickers I give them a little present. One little guy, Percy, is not 'normal' as in he is a bit slow or something strangie. But lately he's been all excited about getting stickers so he can get his present. Today he got it! And he started speaking things in English on his own to me that really shocked me actually! I was wearing a tshirt that said "peanuts 10c" and he wrote it on a piece of paper and gave it to me! What a cutie. Melted my heart. I'm such a softie...
OH! and in another class...I've been changed to "wonder teacher"! (it evolved from wendy teacher) lmao! I've never had such a compliment in my life! haha. So now I come in the class "wonder teacher' style...complete with 'cape' and 'super powers'! It's grreat! I've also slowed down a lot in that class, and have been getting better results by doing it, and I'm learning alot with that one too. Like practice on ONE thing makes perrrfect. Not just "doing' the page. Obvious, but that's what it's like being a teacher. Not a dull moment.
Last week we had a holiday. Independance day from the Japanese war in 19something. So all of us whities went up to a temple/museum/hiking site and chilled out by the stream like a lot of other Koreans. Pictures on my flickr site. Got some nice ones too. And of pple! I felt quite inspired like I havent in a while. I needed that.
I need to paint soon! Cant quite do it here too much in Kroea. Doesnt feel like I can take it with me, or that it will last. Which is a bit silly, but I guess that's how it is. I think I need to be less possessive of my paintings...but there's sooo much of me in there.
I cant believe the countdown is somewhat starting for me. At least the realization that life here in Korea is winding down, and before I know it, I'll be moving back to Canada. Im really feeling nervous, and not looking forward to the lifestyle having to pay rent and stuff. And the general cost of living. And dealing with things as they always were. Nehhhh. But I need to do it too. I need a 'reality check'. I need to see how I feel in an English speaking country again. To see my family and friends and Very Important people in my life.
Its funny how much I feel that I absollutely LOVE living in a country with another culture and language etc. I just absolutely love it..even after all this time. That says something to me. It explains a lot too...about my past and how I forsee living my future too. It helps me to identify with so many people at home. People who arent native of Canada. It makes me realize how we are as Canadians, and how we are not, and how we should be. It makes me realize the stark contrast of how greedy Western society is...and how it doesnt seem like that at all here. A society that lives and has values of family first is wonderful to live in. Sure the priority of money is there, but it doenst rule their lives as relationships and famly do. There's a lot to learn about that stuff for us Westerners I think. But that's my opinion. And I have to own up to the fact that I tend to think in romantic terms. What can I say. IT's who I am and how I look at life. It's really a beautiful thing.
Anyhoo..I gotta run. Time and money runnng out.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Japanese train card
Man, this is an awesome card! I wish we had one like that in Korea, but mine is pretty much just as cool. I have it on my keychain and it's roses! I guess I'm gonna haveta take a shot of that too!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Jeju-do to today
Then I went to a jimjilbang for a shower, and then walked around in the morning sun. What an interesting feeling..especially since its super rare that I'm actually up that early! It was great lighting for pictures!
Then got a taxi to the ferry terminal, and went to get my ticket. THen up on the ferry was interesting. A man escorted me right past some people to my 'room'. It was a 'second class room' but that just meant i was in a room with about 15-20 people. There are no seats on the ferry, but just carpeted floors. A family brought some newspaper to lay on, and they gave some to me which i thought was sweet of them. Where in Canada would u see that? Strangie. I was hoping to stay awake to see the ferry off..but I couldnt stay awake. I just passed out on the floor and sllept pretty much the whole way through. 3.5 hours or 4 to get across. At one point I got up and walked around the ferry. The color of the water was amazing, and it was nice to experience the difference of Canadian ferries to Korean ones! The water seemed clear in For an ocean I find that impressive.
Then we docked in Mokpo, and I went to try to get into the museum of culture and arts, but it looks like it's 'obssoyo' which is 'not there' in Korean. Darnit. But I did wander in the basement that was open to find an exhibit or something that wasnt up yet of architecture! That was awesome. And then on upper floors some paintings, and calligraphy. Awesome stuff...
Then I wandered around downtown, and got something to eat. Namely bibimbap. Sooo yummy. Cant get enuff of it! Then down to the bus terminal to go home to Gwangju.
The week was low key, and I only worked for 2 days, and got Friday off because of the kindergarten kids that werent there, and so I decided last minute to go to Seoul for the weekend. I left on Friday afternoon, go tto Suwon around 11. Went to Candice's. Good to see here, and to be in Suwon. Slept in. Went for the BBQ with Shawn and Jane and Nathan and a few others..was fun. We just hung around all day. Then went to Seoul and had an adventure in Hyundae district. Took bunch of pictures, but my camera's memory was pretty full...imagine that. 1G of memory full...haha...can u tell i love taking pictures?
Oh man, I'm going to have to finish this later. I"m sooo tired and i gotta sleep soon!
As in NOW!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Vacation Destination -- JEJU-DO ROCKS!
I got here on Friday night, and had no accommodations booked, no idea of exactly where or what I wanted to do besides some ideas from friends who had come here before. Some of those things I havent been able to do, but most of them I have, and I'm happy with what I've done here. Even if it's been alone. I mostly like travelling alone cuz I get to completely absorb everything...but I've decided I would prefer to travel with someone. But that someone would hopefully be that special 'other', or someone who doesnt mind my stopping and gushing over everything enthusiastically, or taking pictures of everything, or likes to go by the seat-o-yer-pants (ie. no solid plans, just ideas...) and the idea of "I can DO it"!
Love it. BUT, I also discovered that it's good to have a bit more of an agenda/plan. Not having one is okay too, but it keeps you going a bit more when u have an idea of what you want to do, or what you'd like to do. Ya ya, I can hear all you people who wouldnt DREAM of going anywhere without doing this, or you're saying 'ya wendy, DUH'!! Well hey...that's how it is in my world. And I've learned a few things. Also that I can do it! And I can be a woman and travel alone in Korea no problem.
Tonight I made it to the miniature land park thinger, and after was waiting on the sideof the road for the bus right outside the entrance, and a family in their rented white shiny car pulled over, and asked me where I was going. To Jeju city I replied, and they said we'll give you a ride! So there I was, in a nice car with a nice Korean family. THey said what they could in English/Yongo, and I said what I could in Korean/Hangul. It was fun. It made me miss the days where I travelled and moved across the country (Canada) with my family. I miss my sister!! There were 2 sisters/girls in the car, and they were cute.
So we got to Jeju, and I got out and looked for a PC room/bang to download ALL my pictures in. I'm Hungry though..and I'm craving pizza, or maybe I should be healthy and find some bibimbap. Hmmm...
I gotta download all these pics first though. i LOVE Flickr!
So lets see...what did I do this weekend.
Arrive Jeju City 8 pm Friday night
Looked at a tourist online site to find out what I wanted to do and what there was to do
Walked around Jeju City after taking a bus downtown somehow
Got a pair of pretty Korean shoes! only 15! I wish I got the other ones that were shiny gold and jewels on them too...
Found a Jimjilbang
Wandered around Jeju City
Found the Love this appropriate?!
Wanted to find the Mysterious road...time was ticking and my feet were hurting
Went to the Hella Arbetoreum
Petted a DONKEY! Was going to ride him, but didnt. I've never seen a donkey to ride before! ha ha
Taxi to the bus terminal.
To Seogwipo on the other side of the island where apparently everythign is (how cool is that name..Seogwipo?!)
This island is beautiful!
Went to eat at a really cool down-n-out family restaraunt. sauce and noodles are yummy. ONe of the guys there did a show off sexy dance for me! It was hilarious!
Went to find a way to the beach/falls
Got there finally, and it was getting dusk...found the falls...WOW. Sat there and looked up at the stars..yes! there were stars to be seen here! Felt a bit lonely with all the honeymooners or couples around.
Amazed at all the volcanic paving stones. This river is fantastically perfect as well as the falls
Did a drawring
Went to find a taxi-he took me to a jimjilbang in the WOrldcup stadium! Interesting. And very very nice. THe most authentic one i've seen yet. Was a bit too hot to sleep in comfortably though. No worries.
Woke up, amazingly enough. Got ready
Went out...look! There's a balloon! Went traipsing through some mandarin field to find amusement park! The guy there spoke pretty good English. I came in through the back side!
It cost 22000 won to ride and admission. You have to go through the maze first. Ok. That was more fun than I thought.
Just in time for the balloon ride. Up up and this is smooth! See movie clip for experience. Wow, theres the ocean horizon with nothing out there!
Down down down.
Instructed to go on trampoline/bungy ride. Wasnt sure if i wanted to but I thought..heck...I'd better do it! It's "free" Wow that was too much fun!
off to the next location....Emart. Could I just stop shopping?! Ha ha. Got some bikini though as planned. They'er too expensive! 75 for a 3 or 4 piece. Hmmm..
Took bus to the Jongnam resort. Wow.
Teddy bear museum first....Yes, teddy bear museum. And the building was amazing..and the teddy bears intersting enough. Largest teddy bear museum in the world.
Dumb camera and these AA batteries keep dying on me. UGH. NEVER will get a camera without a lithium battery...but at least I can go and buy the AA's at the store anywhere....
Pictures pictures
I'm officially becoming an expert in taking pictures of myself. How embarrassing...well not necessarily in Korea. Love it. I dont have to feel self-conscious here about taking my own pic in public. EVeryone does it. And why not?
I WAS HERE! And I can prove it!
To get batteries...WOOO! Pitstop in Cinnabon/Seattle's best! WOW was that ever GOOD!
Stop to take picture of Hooters Hof sign!
Back to teddy bear museum to finish off..
Went wandering to Lotte Hotel.
I got all teary eyed, and I feel like I've finally had my own honeymoon! HA ha..well not quite...but hey..the thought ran through my mind. I'm missing someone! Darmit! U know who u are...;)
Wandered down to the beach
Met a girl Kelli, and James, and Stew
Ended up hanging dark, looking at the STARS and horizon at night is awesome. I miss Vancouver for that...deja vu
Walked up to the Hyatt...met an Indian guy who was a magician. Took picture
Went into the Hyatt looking for a toilet
Wandered the halls!
Went to taxi to town.
Got a pizza and ate it standing around a street toy machine...YUM Hoping the tonnes of birds above us dont give us a white shower! Ewww!
Went to noribang with Koreans we met on the street!
Wow that was fun
Found a jimjilbang...sleep...
Woke up just before sunrise. Glad I did. That was cool...
Woke up again ..found a mat somehow during the night...yay..and a pillow!
got out the door by 11
went to find bus
and mandarines...did i saw how AMAZING they taste here? NOTHIGN like it!
Bus to bus terminal
Taxi took me to a bus terminal...dont remember that mis-connection
He was amazing...came in to communicate for me! My Korean to him was pretty good! I"m impressed with myself
ON the bus...thought i was going in the wrong direction..who cares...its an island!
Hour later, I get off at the side of a road that points to the Caves I want to see. Hoping to find a luck...I start walking. Too impatient.
The sign says 3.8 kms. we go! I can do it!
After 2 kms or so a car decides to ask me wher I'm going..and they end up giving me a ride right to the door! Wow. only in Korea
Walked around....went to see the caves
Went to leave, to go see Mini Land...and find out that I"m too late. They close in 2 hrs and no bus goes directly there, and I"m on the other side of the island. BUT there's another one close...and it costs 20 000 in a taxi. Whew...well sure why not. Eeeks that's expensive. But ...
So I do it, and get to 'Mini mini land' in luxury. Through the middle of the island and a lot of horses. I want to ride them too...but no time. See a folk villiage, drive by the crater...
Arrive at mini mini land.
Annoyed cuz they guy that was helping me to get a taxi at the 'cave' place was there!?!! What the?/??? I said hi just like IF. HE could ahve given me a ride or something. But maybe I'm glad he didnt. Still!
Pictures pitures of Mini everything. Yay! I can say i was 'There'!
Got picked up by Korean family in White Shiny car.
Arrive in Jeju
Find PC bang..
here i am
gotta go find the ocean concert hall
gotta find something to eat
gotta find jimjilbang to sleep
A bit of a run on ramble..but was fun
Tomorrow am bright n early...4 or 5 hr ferry ride to Mokpo
Bus home (1 hr or so)
Relax a bit....who'm i kidding? I'll prolly be bored and lonely again
But i had a GREAT vacation!
Miss u all...;)
Who wants to come with me next time?
Thursday, July 27, 2006
JeJu-Do Island Tomorrow!
Anyway, I'm off to the island of Jeju. IT's the Hawaii of Korea. It takes 4 hrs on a ferry or about 40 mins or so on an airplane, and I'm doing Both! Flying there, and ferry back. So we'll see how that is. I get to take the ferry back to Mokpo, which is a town that I visited in January. Wow..that was a while ago! Went fast! I'd love to go back there quickly, and so I shall!
It's goign to be a true adventure for sure. I dont have an official place to stay, but I'm planning on staying in Jimjilbangs. Cheapest way to do it. But it's first come-first serve idea. I say that because pretty much everyone that can goes to Jeju right now. So it might be too busy. In that case, Korea is known for being able to sleep ANYWHERE...and I plan on going Korean style! Ha. Or I can camp out in the fresh air or something crazy like that. Why not?
I plan on visiting the volcano that made the island, the waterfalls, the tunnels/caves, the beaches, and possibly even the Teddy Bear Museum...yep..u heard right! Everyone raves about Jeju in Korea, so I hope it's worth it ;)
I was planning on going back to Canada or making another major trip on this holiday, but I cant get anymore days off right what can u do? :S People work here like mad! And since I'm here I do too...well somewhat.
I was also hoping to go to China this weekend, but it looks like it's too much for me right now too. SO maybe another time.
Japan I'd like to go back to, and I would love to go to Vietnam, and Thailand..just cuz. Too many things to do and to see! I guess u cant do them all...but I'm too optimistic. Imagine that!
eesh...I'm feeling quite grumpy today. A lot of drama...mostly in my head but real.! Ha ha..that sounds dangerously psycho! Ha ha.. Don't worry..I'm not going nuts...yet. THings you cant control can do taht to u.
It's funny though....we're having a 'festival' in November. I'm assuminng its then because John and I will be leaving. So they asked John to teach a Taekwondo number, and for me to do a belly dancing number! HA! How the heck do you teach kids belly dancing of all things! Specially a 'sexy' dance?! But...I was to be surprised.
One day I just got them to do some very simple moves, and it was a blast! One kid, Sam is pretty good at 'snake arms' too! It's fun to break up the monotony of trying to get them to sit and listen...which is nearly impossible...from what my standards are from what i remember we were expected to do in school..or ELSE. Not so much here....especially when kids think they can get away with much much more because I dont understand or speak Korean. Little do they know!
Hehhh ehhhhhhh....evil laugh. I understand WAY more than they think I do! It's fun to answer them in Korean once in a while. THen they go around to everyone in the class and yell...Wendy teacher Hangul mal! Or close to that idea. And then they all want me to say it again! ha ha. It's cute.
Man, I'm gonna miss these kids. I really love them. Specially when they've been bad and i gotta put them in the Baby chair...or punish them in some way, and then after I try to remember to give them a hug and say 'I love you' or something like that...and then they either get all teary eyed, or get all happy an dit's all forgotten. I wonder how many times I got teary as much as they have. Little boys seem to be my favorite..with their constant mischief and things in their pockets, and trying to see how high they can fly their paper airplanes, or Danny begging me to play bingo! Or Sam screaming like a girl and then laughing histerically. Or Maria shocking me with the English that she knows when I least expect it. That kid is quite the piece of work!
..And then there's orange class. My nightmare...they always seem to be the kids that are the ahrdest to work with. THey're just between everything. And they need CONSTANT change and energy and ..... but they're cute too. And they beg me for bingo as well! I'm not playing bingo much tho, because the parents have wondered if that's all they know how to do in English is say Bingo! SO it's backfired a little..but they have learned a lot through Im finding ways of changing the method of approach! much for a little blurb and then off to bed! But I gotta do that now. I've been worrying so much its showing, and I cant do that...specially to myself. It's amazing what isolation can do to your brain! It goes off tha hook! But I still love living in another culture and language. It's constantly fascinating...and I think I must thrive on it. to bed!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Soccer Day
Lets see, nothing really exciting this weekend. Nothing to report. I didnt leave the house until 9pm yeserday. I think I needed it. Then I stay up too late though, and end up having to recover. Takes sooo much longer when you get older. Did i really just say that?
We had a roof party on Friday which was a lot of fun. Got to meet some new people. I'm one of the old ones now! Imagine that! Time's running away on me! Only 3 months to go. Wow. My boss has asked me to stay for another 3 months, and financially I would love to. But I do have some things back home that I need to attend to. But some of those things involve money that is in that case, and because I really want to go to Turkey in October, I might need to stay. But the one most important thing/person is the issue. I could always come back if things don't work out... Scary thought.
I really do like it here in Korea. The people are nice and friendly, the hours I work are good. The people I work with are fun. The fashion here is fun, and Cheap. Travelling is awesome cheap. I've made some friends with people here that I hope will last a lifetime. I'm gonna miss those kids somethign terrible I'm sure..but at the same time I think I'll be a bit relieved. But I feel like I've grown so close to them. Hmmm...part of life. Hellos and goodbyes. Ugh...why can't life be fair.
The other issue is what on earth do I do when I get back home? I might just pursue teaching, because I really quite enjoy it. But there's design too. At this point, however, it's all about the money, because those stupid loans are a plague! Darnit!
Okay, I really haveta get to sleep...I'll regret it if I dont. It's 1 30 am here now.
Luv ya all. And Bealaboy...where the heck have u dissapeared to? Into girlfriend land? :P he heh.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Lowered Expectations
It was my birthday on Tuesday, and it was the day that the typhoon decided to dump the most. It's been interesting for me because I've always been kinda proud of the fact that I always have nice weather on my birthday and have come to have expectations about it...funny how that is. And silly too. But it turned out okay...and the kids at school in Red class (my fave class) sang Happy Birthday to me..which was sooper awesome. I love those kids. And that was thanks to Rachel teacher. :P Then John Teacher and I went to Baskin Robbins for an icecream cake. Now, you might not know, but in Korea that's a pretty cute cake. They have this thing for cute and little cakes here...its kinda funny. I got one that was white and pink with pink flowers on it, and it was yogurt. It had little red heart sprinkles on it to! I wish i could remember the 'name of it'. Something like 'Sweet Garden' or something. The pink flowers remind me of my favorite birthday when i turned 7 I think. I ate that cake and had a big party (the fairy tale kind of party that every girl dreams about with her friends), and then I promptly got super sick that night and threw it all up! Ha ha..but I still have happy memories of that cake. So Pink and White was in the order!
So I have a video of the whole birthday thing...and I'll link it up to here I hope.
So I havent written much..been thinking of it...but just no real energy to do it. I'm in the place of processing a lot of stuff. My birthday was a bit depressing because it's just the realization that I'm 33 now, an dmy life hasn't necessarily come to what I had hoped and tried to have it be. But what do you do about that kind of thing? It's a lot about choices and things like that. And I always wanted to not have regrets, and to make the right choices. It looks like I havent always made the right choices...but I do have a lot of intentions to keep trying to make the right ones.
Future goals:
1. Stop worrying so much!
2. Focus on the future while staying in the now not to be over frivolous and more productive in life
3. Work on my belief in God to be confident with what He wants for me and trust him.
4. Travel as much as I can while I can
5. I would love a future with a family- a husband and kids, but we'll see. Maybe I'm not meant to have that.
6. Learn to save and not spend as much!
7...we'll see don't worry be happy.....
So...there was the mud festival...and here's the link so you'll get what this is all about a bit more.
Pics are on the flickr website as always.
Okay, well that was my birthday. Oh yah, John came out to hang out was too rainy and everyone didnt want to do anything. :( It's okay, this time I didnt mind being low key. I must be getting older! Eeesh!
Kay that's it for now....except what do I do for the holiday of 4 days at the end of this month? Hmmmm...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Oh the Drama
I got one of the kids to call another teacher, and when she got there, she pretty much just took her to wash up and tossed it off. One of the other girls, Bonny, in the class was very attentive and wanted to sit beside the girl (Crystal is her name), and she made sure that she had a big wad of toilet paper up her nose to stop it. At one point Crystal took it out...and Bonny promptly grabbed more toilet paper and stuffed it up her nose! It was quite funny actually for me...or I should say amusing. Kids are human after all! Haha.
Something else happened but I dont happen to remember what at the moment. Will add it later..
Oh, so I've been appointed to teach the kids belly dancing for our school play in November. That's going to be interesting!!
Today I decided to get the kids folding paper today. I wish I could remember the word for it in Korean. It's NOT origami! I've really started to learn some of the differences and similarities in cultures. It's interesting. And other Asian cultures too. Stuff I never thought about until I've come here.
Ha ha....and I"m watching a TV show about jewelry making, and ribbon roses. Yep, you gotta have pretty stuff. What I love about it is that the men are attentive to this stuff too..and have an appreciation of it...and aren't afraid of wearing it themselves. For example, if a guy is with his girlfriend, or even a friend, its not uncommon for him to carry her purse. And that doenst mean by any means that he isn't a manly man. I just LOVE it. They ALL wear pink, and combine really awesome colors, and have fashion sense. Yes, there's the ones who don't quite have it all together, but its rare. The women all wear pretty things, dresses and heels ALL the time. And pretty ones with bows and flowers and a beaded necklace. Short sweaters or 'Boleros' are all the thing. Sometimes I feel I've stepped back into 1950 or something combined with 1980s. Oh yah, and the 80's are alive, leggings under everything. Long 'shirt dresses' with leggings under. I love how they layer things. I've learned a lot that way. Funny...I wonder how it will be for me to come back to Canada. I'm gonna be dressing waaaayyyy to pretty or something. But who cares. I love it. Something else to incorporate into my style. Oh yah, guys wear suits ALL the time too. Boy heaven for that reason. Ha haa...
Wow, that was a run on paragraph...can't help it. What else do you do.
Okay, that's all I can think of for now...
Monday, July 03, 2006
soccer and heels
How BRILLIANT is this window display?!!! Man, I want to walk into my house with a wall to the side of this. Or how about your headboard on your bed? SHoes and bars with FLoozball doods on it! Man, I need to get to design again sometime someday! Wooo! I'm inspired and my brain iz buzzin! While yer at it...I've signed on to Flickr. WHY haven't I done this yet? So everybuddy...all my photos, all million of them will be appearing on Flickr from now on for your perusal at any time of the day or night. No invites or sent emails from Kodak for now. But Kodak is still good stuff.
Ooooh I love shoes. And I love being in Korea for pretty shoes like this. You can see shoes like this anyday. And cheap too! Oh help me! Save me from the shoes! Tee hee (never!!!)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Strange silence
Not sure what to say, but I have a lot to say. Same old stuff..tired of it repeating in my life.
Thank goodness for TV or internet...stuff to keep your mind off of things.
I really have to get some different things to do at school/work. Like phonix games and any game for that matter. I've discovered that I'm just not a games type of person. Doens't help when you're working with kids, and that's about one of the best things to get them learning. I just thank God for bingo! haha. Seriously. But even then it's limiting. :( Well, I have a few variations. But there's only so much you're going to do...Help!
Were having a mild thunderstorm right now. I forgot how much I LOVE thunderstorms. I'd rather thunderstorms and humidity than Vancouver drab drizzle rain anyday! Seriusly!
I'm tired but I dont want to sleep, too much I want to do, but too lazy to do it. Gotta stay in the house or there'll be some small thing to spend money on.
Goign to be strange because Karel is leaving, and I'm really going to miss her. Lots of ppl I know are going, and I wonder how things will be when they do go. It's part of living here and being a foreigner. People always going and coming, people you make friends with and then they leave. Sometimes you make good friends with them, sometimes they're passing through your life.
Doors that open and shut.
I just want to settle down and have a family...but it doesnt look like that's going to happen soon. I want to see Europe and as much as I can very soon too...but time is against me. But I shouldnt think that way either.
We'll see.
I need to make more friends here. And do some hanging out and keepign my mind off of things. My neck muscles are seizing up, and that's a sure sign that I'm stressing and worrying about too much...and most likely needlessly as usual. It helps to write this stuff have that connection to people who might read it...or even not.
My mood in music is Bjork. Man, I'm so inspired by her. Sometimes i feel that I have Madonna and Bjork in my personality. I dont really mind that idea. I always did like a bit of strangeness and whats-the-word; brashness? Anyway, you get the idea. And a bit of James Bond in there. Ha...or his girls or something. Anyway
Strange silence
Not sure what to say, but I have a lot to say. Same old stuff..tired of it repeating in my life.
Thank goodness for TV or internet...stuff to keep your mind off of things.
I really have to get some different things to do at school/work. Like phonix games and any game for that matter. I've discovered that I'm just not a games type of person. Doens't help when you're working with kids, and that's about one of the best things to get them learning. I just thank God for bingo! haha. Seriously. But even then it's limiting. :( Well, I have a few variations. But there's only so much you're going to do...Help!
Were having a mild thunderstorm right now. I forgot how much I LOVE thunderstorms. I'd rather thunderstorms and humidity than Vancouver drab drizzle rain anyday! Seriusly!
I'm tired but I dont want to sleep, too much I want to do, but too lazy to do it. Gotta stay in the house or there'll be some small thing to spend money on.
Goign to be strange because Karel is leaving, and I'm really going to miss her. Lots of ppl I know are going, and I wonder how things will be when they do go. It's part of living here and being a foreigner. People always going and coming, people you make friends with and then they leave. Sometimes you make good friends with them, sometimes they're passing through your life.
Doors that open and shut.
I just want to settle down and have a family...but it doesnt look like that's going to happen soon. I want to see Europe and as much as I can very soon too...but time is against me. But I shouldnt think that way either.
We'll see.
I need to make more friends here. And do some hanging out and keepign my mind off of things. My neck muscles are seizing up, and that's a sure sign that I'm stressing and worrying about too much...and most likely needlessly as usual. It helps to write this stuff have that connection to people who might read it...or even not.
My mood in music is Bjork. Man, I'm so inspired by her. Sometimes i feel that I have Madonna and Bjork in my personality. I dont really mind that idea. I always did like a bit of strangeness and whats-the-word; brashness? Anyway, you get the idea. And a bit of James Bond in there. Ha...or his girls or something. Anyway
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Yeosu Trip Weekend

Its Sat night at a few mins past midnight. And I can't seem to get away from the puter for one night! Geeeez! I can't help's my connection to the outside world, and the place to download my pictures! And entertainment. So there.
Anyhoo...I've come to a town on the coast of Korea (wierd, am I really in Korea? it feels normal to me now) called Yeosu. It's really quite nice here. The main reason why I came here is to get to the ocean again. I don't realize how much I miss it until I get there, and wow. The smell of an ocean is just not like anything else...not really even the smell, but the air itself. And the sound and the magnatism of the tide...
So I arrived, went to a little temple up a hill, then went to the beach. The taxi kept going through this side road that didnt look like it was going anywhere..and I was almost worried. But then we came to a really cool place in the road where it looked like a dead end almost..but there ahead was a narrow tunnel that looked like a train tunnel, and yes, we went through it! It was just barely wide enough for a car, and there were lights all down it thank goodness. I wondered if it was a one way and how the cars were controlled if it wasnt, and then i discovered as I saw headlights coming toward me that there were regular pullout spaces along the way! BIZARRE! It was sooo cool! I literally had my mouth hanging open! The taxi driver was a bit amused I think at the waeguk in awe at some dumb tunnel! Ha ha.
Then we crossed some train tracks, and there was a cove with some restaraunts along it, and a beach! So there I was, at the beach! Yeayy! I forgot how nice it is. Seems like "what's the big deal" sometimes..but then you get there and ..oh yahhh! So I sat there and wandered around, took pictures, etc...of course. Found a cool shell, and a green rock, and a rock shaped like a heart! OF COURSE! I was laughing out loud to myself. Sat there and watched the waves crashing. Contemplated the concept that I was on the OTHER SIDE of the Pacific Ocean! Had to go and dip my hand in...and it was surprisingly warm! Imagine that! But that was mmy hand. Looked at the lights from the ships on the water. That was honestly my first impression and made me miss a certain view from English bay ALOT. I LOVE those ships..and I didnt know how much until I saw them there. Something homey about it. But then again lights like that have always been 'home' to me in one way or another.
So then it got dark, and I was still on the beach. Got up and decided to wander around the buildings on the beach 'drive', and got to a 'foodstop' with the staple boiled eggs n salt. YUM. The lady there was super charming and funny. They were watching TV with some guy holding works and they were going off...and they sold fireworks there, adn the 'husband' grabbed one and decided to go out and light one off like that too! IT was so cute. She's all shooing him out of the store so he doesnt set it off right there! Ha ha! Yah, so it inspired me to go and buy some fireworks myself! So that's exactly what i did! I got a 25 missile one, and a 'silver sparkler' one. The missile one was loud and worked quite well, the other one didnt work at all..and i was quite dissapointed. I should have got a Roman Candle. Crazy how you can buy them on the side corner store! And anytime of the year. Ha...its fun. I've never honestly got fireworks before and lit them off myself, and by myself..but hey...I'm in Korea! WHO CARES!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Vicious Circles
Funny that, how you have your hopes and dreams and plans that you conjure up and try to make happen...and then life has its twists and turns. And again I am pointed back to the quote from my favorite movie which says, "...don't look for straight lines. Life isn't like that." Yep, you can say that again.
Ugh, its all so frustrating. But then its exciting in a way because its a 'hold on and go for the ride' kindof thing. But I wanna control it! I want to at least know how to plan and have a direction in this bumpy ride. And wearing your heart on your sleeve doesn't help either.
Well, after coming to some conclusions in my head and after some really important friends in my life always being there for me...and listening to my constant crooning, I felt a bit more peace today. And I felt happy too. Well, on the path to being more happy. Those poor kids at times...when I have bad days. Then I feel so bad. Right now I dont know what I'd do without them either! Strangie. (that's how u say it in Korean...everything ends in a 'ie'!)
I have to say its true for me that even after all the crap that can happen, and I just want to throw God away, it always gets worse for me if I do, and I always come back. That might sound hokey to some, but that's how it is for me. Man, God has incredible patience with me..that's for sure.
Kay, gotta sleep...
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
My latest obsession

This is by a Japanese artist. His name is Yoshitomo Nara....and He ROCKS! This girl is just awesome because she's this 'sweet innocent' little girl with this attitude that sometimes I have to say I felt like her, and still do at times. IT's like this inner dark side that has to rebel and show her face at times. I have been seeing Tshirts starting to come out with her, and yep..I'm getting them all if I can help it! SOooo cheap! Stop me now!
The one pic is of an original ashtray that he did. I gotta find more like this! I'm starting to 'get' the deal about animation and stuff now. Painting idea? :D
Oh, and by the way, I'm thinking of ideas and opinions about stickers. What the HECK do you do with them besides stick them in some book? Or on your guitar case or your car? What about those tiny ones? What about those big ones? Collage? I have issues with collages. I'd prefer modern simplicity...but..I'm starting to change my mind about how I look at these things. Hmmmmmmm. Anyone have any ideas? I'd love to hear them on the comments or email. Or pictures would be even better! I gotta do this in a generated survey I think...just for fun to see what would happen. Hmmm...good idea. Now to do it...
Silence turned upside-down
So I was thinking of going to see a Hangul movie (that's Korean) but it didn't end up happening. For some reason as soon as I come home I just dont want to get the energy to go back out till I absolutely have to. Tv and Internet and food and clothes, and a constant mess of some sort seems to keep me here. All the reading I want to do but can't seem to pick up a book for long. Feel guilty for that too. Man, I'm really hard on myself huh? How on earth do I turn that around? Pray a LOT I guess. But even then I have the choices. Ugh..I hate that.
So I ended up cooking a meal of spaghetti and sauce with braized green and red peppers and 'meatballs' of broccoli an cheese balls. YUM that was good. Halfway through cooking it I remembered Windy (my ex roomie) noticing that whenever I cooked up a storm it was because I was stressed, or most likely upset at something. Yep, it occurred to me that perhaps that's exactly what was happening. I am stressed...about a few major things in my life. And the problem with a few of them is that its not in my control to do anything about it. All I can do is wait and wonder...and drive myself nuts. But I dont' have to drive myself nuts! I can choose what to do with the situation. Do I hold on? Do I let it go? How much do I wait? What is it worth to me? Is it something that will repeat itself in the future? Do I really want that? IT's hard to tell because of the situation if that's really the case. And I feel horrible for thinking that even. But...that's how it is. All I can do is what I can on my end.
So while some of these thoughts are going through my head...I am eating, and watching TV (some horrible TV about 'Camelot' and a lot of gross dead things, beautiful shiny costumes, and a movie with Denzel and Angelina about crime scenes which in a sense was good, but a lot of nto so pretty scenes in there that I'm afraid I'll be dreaming bad stuff). And then somethign occurred to me while I was watching a shot in the 'Lancelot' movie....a Painting!
Yes folks, I did indeed settle down and DID a painting that I feel really quite good about here in Korea. And it involves some Korean even! Yep, I'm happy about it. Especially since I used some 'Korean brushes' and 'Korean paper' and was very influenced by 'Korean colors'. AND I used 'Korean paint' which was acrylic (I hardly ever use acrylic) and used it like watercolor! So I'm impressed with that. I'll download a pic as soon as I get it. I've got sooo many pics to download it's not even funny.
Oh man...I'm just watching a bit of TV..or being distracted by it whilst I'm sitting here typing away...adn there's a show about a young woman who has a daughter, and she has a 'new' boyfriend, and the little girl comes up to the boyfriend while he is sitting at their table eating dinner, and she totally gives him the guilt trip! Its fun to watch Asian expressions and attitudes in talking because at times they can seem really quite whiny or put off. But the funny thing is that it seems light and heavy at the same time. IT's like there's some big guilt trip....but then Asians have this way of laughing it off that's equally as entertaining. I'm so glad I've had the experience of seeing this first hand. There was sooooo much I never knew or understood about Asian people until I came here. And now I'm starting to really be able to tell the difference of different Asian countries too...and that's really cool! Specially for a whitie! Ha ha. I really am going to miss things about this country...
I havent been goign to taekwondo very much for the last few weeks. Bad me...but I guess i need a break. Its getting quite warm and its always it does make a difference. But I'm determined. So we'll see.
So I gotta sleep here...but I gotta say...I'm so glad I stayed in today. I really needed this time of reflection and inflection. A time to let go and cling to things, a time to get some clarity...but I need a LOT more. A time to spew out some colors and shapes onto a portray how I feel outside of myself. I really needed that. Now I just feel alone, and the solitude of the silence. I'd like to console myself with the following....
"It just matters to know that someone loves me to the core somewhere on the planet". And I'd like to add to that...somewhere in the universe." Cuz that's about what I feel I've got left...somewhere deep in the universe there's something constant that won't let me down that I can talk to anytime and I know He's listening. Somehow...
I need to go look at the moon and the stars now...if I can see them. Apparently the rainy few weeks start tomorrow...