Monday, September 18, 2006

So I'm planning on going to Egypt in November

Wow. I dont know if I even feel it could be reality yet. Yes, I'm planning on going to Egypt. I can't believe the possibility is real. Everything seems so surreal about it.

But its going to be a dream come true, added to the fact that I've been living here in Korea for almost a year! I could indeed stay here another year. I do like Korea. I'm really going to miss a lot of things about it here. The lifestyle is nice, the generosity of the people is wonderful, the fellow waeguks I've met here have become my second family here.

I've felt a bit like I've missed out on a summer though...and going back to a Vancouver winter isnt something I'm looking forward to. Vancouver had a fabulous summer I hear. That makes me sad and a bit frustrated. It's been so rainy here it feels. Not that we didnt have some nice weather. THank God for Jeju-do! That was my summer ...all of one week it feels like. Ah well..I can't complain. It's been nice and warm. Not like you still have to wear a long sleeve sweater at night like in Vancouver. I do like that about it here. And I havent minded the humidity after all.

I'm paranoid about going back to Canadian finances, dealing with 'reality' again, making more decisions about life in general there, stuff like that. I'm super excited about coming back and seeing my friends and family and other very important people in my life.

I'm a bit anxious as to where my life will go from there. What direction my careers (plural) will take me. Teaching English is something I really enjoy, and then there's hairdressing, and Interior Design that I want to explore more of too. But this has certainly changed some things for me here.

My gosh I'm going to miss those kids...relieved to be rid of them in a small way...but miss them more. Strange how that is. I'm so glad I've had that experience. I'm going to miss coming to work and being greeted with some wierd thing that they have to say. Or coming to show me their latest toy or something strange liek that! Or "Wendy teacher"! Or 'Wonder teacher'! as they've now started recently! Ha ha! Can't argue with that!

And then I've turned so girly its not even funny. I'm loving the shopping here, and I've not saved nearly as much as I thought I might...but I've loved everything I've got here. A camera, a bunch to my sister who's been owed it (or just because I could for once in my lifetime), a trip to Jeju-do that felt like a REAL holiday, I forget what else, but it's all been worth it. And now..a trip to Egypt! Woohooo! I need another 4 years here to pay off my student loans tho. Too bad Canada can't compare to Korea financially right now for me. Darnit! Nah, I've had this experience that has taught me so much.

Well, I'm sitting here at a PC Bang and I should get going soon. This place is addictive..or the internet is anyway! Till next time...

1 comment:

Candice said...

You'll figure everything out, Wendy. So much thought has gone into coming back, and yet when you do come back, it'll all be just like normal, and maybe in some ways not what you expected. I wonder where your life current will take you next? Life is certainly an adventure, isn't it???