Its Sat night at a few mins past midnight. And I can't seem to get away from the puter for one night! Geeeez! I can't help it...it's my connection to the outside world, and the place to download my pictures! And entertainment. So there.
Anyhoo...I've come to a town on the coast of Korea (wierd, am I really in Korea? it feels normal to me now) called Yeosu. It's really quite nice here. The main reason why I came here is to get to the ocean again. I don't realize how much I miss it until I get there, and wow. The smell of an ocean is just not like anything else...not really even the smell, but the air itself. And the sound and the magnatism of the tide...
So I arrived, went to a little temple up a hill, then went to the beach. The taxi kept going through this side road that didnt look like it was going anywhere..and I was almost worried. But then we came to a really cool place in the road where it looked like a dead end almost..but there ahead was a narrow tunnel that looked like a train tunnel, and yes, we went through it! It was just barely wide enough for a car, and there were lights all down it thank goodness. I wondered if it was a one way and how the cars were controlled if it wasnt, and then i discovered as I saw headlights coming toward me that there were regular pullout spaces along the way! BIZARRE! It was sooo cool! I literally had my mouth hanging open! The taxi driver was a bit amused I think at the waeguk in awe at some dumb tunnel! Ha ha.
Then we crossed some train tracks, and there was a cove with some restaraunts along it, and a beach! So there I was, at the beach! Yeayy! I forgot how nice it is. Seems like "what's the big deal" sometimes..but then you get there and ..oh yahhh! So I sat there and wandered around, took pictures, etc...of course. Found a cool shell, and a green rock, and a rock shaped like a heart! OF COURSE! I was laughing out loud to myself. Sat there and watched the waves crashing. Contemplated the concept that I was on the OTHER SIDE of the Pacific Ocean! Had to go and dip my hand in...and it was surprisingly warm! Imagine that! But that was mmy hand. Looked at the lights from the ships on the water. That was honestly my first impression and made me miss a certain view from English bay ALOT. I LOVE those ships..and I didnt know how much until I saw them there. Something homey about it. But then again lights like that have always been 'home' to me in one way or another.
So then it got dark, and I was still on the beach. Got up and decided to wander around the buildings on the beach 'drive', and got to a 'foodstop' with the staple boiled eggs n salt. YUM. The lady there was super charming and funny. They were watching TV with some guy holding works and they were going off...and they sold fireworks there, adn the 'husband' grabbed one and decided to go out and light one off like that too! IT was so cute. She's all shooing him out of the store so he doesnt set it off right there! Ha ha! Yah, so it inspired me to go and buy some fireworks myself! So that's exactly what i did! I got a 25 missile one, and a 'silver sparkler' one. The missile one was loud and worked quite well, the other one didnt work at all..and i was quite dissapointed. I should have got a Roman Candle. Crazy how you can buy them on the side corner store! And anytime of the year. Ha...its fun. I've never honestly got fireworks before and lit them off myself, and by myself..but hey...I'm in Korea! WHO CARES!
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