Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Friends leaving, friends that keep in touch

Yep, u guessed it. A very special friend of mine just left Korea back to Canada. How strange is that..cuz I remember her leaving when I didnt know that I was going to Korea myself! I'm soo glad I did. And I'm so glad that she was here while I have been here as well. Its' nice coming and being in a foreign country and knowing that someone is there from home that you know. But it's also good to know that I can survive on my own!
And the wierd thing is that I'll soon be going back to Canada myself. I really worry too much about it. I need to just surf along with it. I need to get a job, and all that stuff again. Egh.....or aaaiiissshhh! as they say here. I like that. It's part of my vocab now!
It was great ..last night I spoke to my friend Brad in Moscow, (formerly of Australia) and man we had a great conversation. I really needed laugh and just be care free of all the stuff that's on my mind. Thanx Bradley ..tee hee!
I've been staying up wayyy too late lately, 3 am the last few...and I paid for it today. I got a fone call waking me was my boss...and he was wondering where I was..then the horrible truth occurred to was 10 AFTER 10, and I was late! Ahhh! Everytime I swear, I've been just on time or a minute late when the boss is there. Geeez! If he's not there, I'm on time! As If! O well, it worked out ok.
John and I ended up going to Ssangji (kindergarten) and they paraded all the kids into a room...all 200 of them I swear...and we had to sing songs with them. problem...but what songs? The Korean teacher in charge didnt know, we didnt know, we volunteered some, but what the heck were we supposed to do? Just stand there and learn the songs as we go to 'teach' the kids! Ha ha! Crazy how this works...but it just does. We'll hopefully get it together at some point!
WEll, Choseuk is here for me on Friday pm....and I'll be staying in Korea. I would love to go to China, but it looks like that's not going tho happen. The whole country is on holiday and that's more people that the population of all of Canada doing a mass exodus or travelling to be with their ya...SOL for me. Plans gone awry ..and what else is new. I really have to learn to plan in ADVANCE and decide IN ADVANCE! Well I did have big plans but that's a whole other situation now. LOTS has happened in the last few weeks that has totally set me off balance anyway. But I'm kindof glad to stay here. Less to worry about at the moment.

I know how to travel in Korea. I know the language enough to get by and get to where I need to go. And now I can finally spend some time in Seoul enough to see the things I've wanted to see for a while. Just to cruize around and enjoy myself at my own pace.

I'm going to Kyonngju first see the most 'famous' or 'important' folk village and palaces in Korea besides the ones in Seoul. Yeehaw... I'll have to try my best to stay away from shopping, and to go hiking and get some RELAXATION! I gotta unwind a bit. Thank goodness for holidays!

And then three weeks of teachign and my time here will be over! And then the world is wide open for things to happen. So you never know. I could even come back to Korea! We'll see how I feel and how things go in Canada. Its just the unknowingness that 's making me super anxious!

Imagination overboard!!!
Okay gotta sleep or I'll be up late and regret it again!

1 comment:

Candice said...

Awww, who's this special friend you're talking about? Perhaps I can hazard a guess...^^

Miss you girly...can't wait til you get hommmme! Woowee!!

I miss Korea...well, parts of it, anyway...