I get off work at 2 on Fridays which makes it quite a lovely weekend and Friday! Soooo glad. But then I dont know what to do. I'm scared to go shopping or 'eye shopping' as they call it here because U know how I am. Too much to buy! So, here I am at home. I guess it's good, so I can clean up my place once in a while. You really have to be on top of that here, cuz all these little itsy bitsy scurrying ants just find EVERY crumb you've got in a minute if you're not careful. So it's good...it's teaching me to be cleaner which is a good thing. Good thing I have a small space then!
It's John's birthday today, and we all sang him happy birthday and I went and made him wear the crown that they put on all the kids when they ahve a birthday. IT was hilarious! Heh heh.
I gotta run downtown in a minute. I will be meeting Rachel, *a girl from work* and looking for a present for John.
Last night I had to do some taekwondo again. They told us that we had to come for 'exercise', and just how nicely they do it, you cant refuse. And I dont really mind. I can learn more Taekwondo! It's so beautiful, really. I just see it as choreography that is really useful if you need it!
The moves he showed us last night are getting a bit more complicated...its fun, and I'm soooo glad I'm doing it.
K, I gotta run. Later!
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