Sunday, June 04, 2006

Wedding Day for Alison

Yep, today I got to fulfil my wish and hope of being involved in Alison and Mike's wedding. The phonecall thing worked, and they put me on speaker phone, and I got to speak to everyone there. It was so nice. I got all nervous though...and I almost got a little flustered...but it was great. I was just handed right over..and it happened that I phoned in the middle of a toast to the bride! ha ha! Well, maybe that makes it even better! Everyone in the crowd said 'Hi Wendy'! ha ha! That was awesome. I'm so happy that could happen at least...even if I couldnt be there in person. I know I'd regret it for the rest of my life if I couldnt at least do that! So that's done... Cant believe she's married! Ha! Mrs. Spatari after all that. WIerd!
Man, I did want to give out the dirt though..and if i knew that i could or how the environment was..I most certainly would have done that! but that's ok.
Man, the weekend was really good, and crazy, and all of the above. Candice came down to visit. I forget how much of a habitual person I am, and how I like things a certain way, and then people come into your life and do it differently, and then I realize how self-contained I am now...and it makes me kindof sad. I have to learn to be more unselfish and accepting of interruptions and things not goign the way I'm used to in life. And I relish those things though as well, because it makes it interesting. Just wierd how 'living with someone' makes you realize how habitual you can become about how u like things a certain way. Man, I feel like I"m being really negative here, and if it sounds like it, I dont mean to be. I'm really tired at the moment that would make a difference!
Its just been a day of a lot of emotions and strange feelings to deal with. And PWS..which is Post Weekend Depression!
Candice and I went out to a HUGE club last night that has live dancers and musicians and acrobats and the whole bit. It was pretty spectacular. It feels like you're in a spaceship and it's just over the top. We were hauled over to some guys table from our table at one point, no option to refuse...a hostess just came and grabbed Candice's arm..almost forcefully and guided us over. I came along for the 'girl' support...and that's cool. But the funny thing was that I ended up connnecting with the guy I was sitting beside more than the guy that asked for candice! Ha ha! We just had a blast. I was teaching him how to tango, and he was showing me some taekwondo moves while dancing! IT was great! You know how u meet some people in your life and things like personalities just click..well that's how this was. I love it when that happens...and maybe I can learn some Kung Fu moves from this guy. Yay. And NO, I'm not interested in him any other way...geez you guys. The assumptions that come just cuz I'm an alone woman in Korea! Sorry Asian're good looking and all...but I just can't go there. Strange but true. Specially cuz I have someone else on my heart too...

Crazy how life is. So anyway...after taking some fun pics..and getting a little excercise...and a little sleep...wayyy too late in the night for me tho...its another day. and right now I'm so tired...and gotta catch up on it.
And I'm feeling a bit depressed and 'homesick' for some certain people at home....and nothign I can do about it. Even a phonecall doesnt solve anything..and maybe makes it worse sometimes. But not enirely..cuz communication is so important to keep those connections in the first place.
I'm also thinking about how fast the time is going..and what am I really going to do when i get back. Especially of living a 'fantasy' life here, complete with the attention you get from people, and the casual way of life, and I'm able to pay my bills here....and get ahead financially. At home it will be back to worrying about how to cope again..and that's somethign I'm not looking forward to. But life must go on...and things will happen when they're meant to. Until then..we will wait and see.. soon.

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