Monday, June 12, 2006


Hello people out there. I'm still here. I had a bit of a depressing weekend for a few or many reasons. Some of which are a result of my overthinking things and needless worrying. They say 'just dont worry so much' or 'just dont think about it' or 'it will all be okay' or 'time will tell'. That would be nice if i could change the thoughts that run through my head....cuz they still happen. But it sure helps to hear that though. Funny how that works. I think that a lot of that is the 'isolation' here in that I dont speak the language what else does your brain do? Go nuts I suppose.
I'm missing certain VIP people in my life a lot. But I'm trying to make my time here the best it can be. I dont want to be making it a negative experience by thinking negatively.
I guess its just that my friend Lindsey came and left for Canada, my friend Karel is leaving in a few weeks. My friend Candice left for Germany (from Seoul) for two weeks vacation on Saturday. A Korean friend I thought I made here hasnt called, and I dont expect him to. (I'm kindof glad though because I dont want to have to bother with some things that come with that). I've got a boyfriend in Canada that has my heart, and I think there could be some conflicts there that I dont need.
I've been watching a lot of TV, and I really should get into a book again. I just dont want to for some reason. I'm enjoying the mindlessness of TV for a change...even if it does drive me nuts. I must say I am enjoying all the fashion here though. Fashion it.
I did a bit of an art project on the weekend too. I got some metal mesh and mounted some cool postcard/pictures on it that I love. There's a pipe that runs along the length of the room on the ceiling which provided the perfect place to hang pictures from 'gallery' style. I strung them up with a bit of twine, or thread so two of them look suspended, and the other big one that I mounted on a cool piece of thin cardboard with a wavy pattern in it. Hard to explain in a way, but I'll just have to take a picture I suppose.
I'm so glad I got that camera. I'm loving taking pictures with it. It's amazing the difference in quality that 3.3pixels to 6.0 pixels make. It's faster, and lighter and easier to carry around.
I've gone completly Korean, cuz you can buy these stickers for extra cheap to put on your cell phone. So it's a sheet of 5"x3" of sticker. It's great cuz it protects your phone (or your camera ;) and make it look fun. The sticker can be transparent, or opaque, depending on what u like. I've finally got the hang of stickers...I spose that's my creative outlet now. I'm going to have to do a 'painting' with stickers I think!

Okay, I gotta run teach a class. Till next time!

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