Funny how life is. Funny how decisions and things in life take you to places you never expected. Deep thoughts...more decisions to make. Damn I hate making them sometimes. at most times.
Not sure what to say, but I have a lot to say. Same old stuff..tired of it repeating in my life.
Thank goodness for TV or internet...stuff to keep your mind off of things.
I really have to get some different things to do at school/work. Like phonix games and any game for that matter. I've discovered that I'm just not a games type of person. Doens't help when you're working with kids, and that's about one of the best things to get them learning. I just thank God for bingo! haha. Seriously. But even then it's limiting. :( Well, I have a few variations. But there's only so much you're going to do...Help!
Were having a mild thunderstorm right now. I forgot how much I LOVE thunderstorms. I'd rather thunderstorms and humidity than Vancouver drab drizzle rain anyday! Seriusly!
I'm tired but I dont want to sleep, too much I want to do, but too lazy to do it. Gotta stay in the house or there'll be some small thing to spend money on.
Goign to be strange because Karel is leaving, and I'm really going to miss her. Lots of ppl I know are going, and I wonder how things will be when they do go. It's part of living here and being a foreigner. People always going and coming, people you make friends with and then they leave. Sometimes you make good friends with them, sometimes they're passing through your life.
Doors that open and shut.
I just want to settle down and have a family...but it doesnt look like that's going to happen soon. I want to see Europe and as much as I can very soon too...but time is against me. But I shouldnt think that way either.
We'll see.
I need to make more friends here. And do some hanging out and keepign my mind off of things. My neck muscles are seizing up, and that's a sure sign that I'm stressing and worrying about too much...and most likely needlessly as usual. It helps to write this stuff have that connection to people who might read it...or even not.
My mood in music is Bjork. Man, I'm so inspired by her. Sometimes i feel that I have Madonna and Bjork in my personality. I dont really mind that idea. I always did like a bit of strangeness and whats-the-word; brashness? Anyway, you get the idea. And a bit of James Bond in there. Ha...or his girls or something. Anyway
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Strange silence
Funny how life is. Funny how decisions and things in life take you to places you never expected. Deep thoughts...more decisions to make. Damn I hate making them sometimes. at most times.
Not sure what to say, but I have a lot to say. Same old stuff..tired of it repeating in my life.
Thank goodness for TV or internet...stuff to keep your mind off of things.
I really have to get some different things to do at school/work. Like phonix games and any game for that matter. I've discovered that I'm just not a games type of person. Doens't help when you're working with kids, and that's about one of the best things to get them learning. I just thank God for bingo! haha. Seriously. But even then it's limiting. :( Well, I have a few variations. But there's only so much you're going to do...Help!
Were having a mild thunderstorm right now. I forgot how much I LOVE thunderstorms. I'd rather thunderstorms and humidity than Vancouver drab drizzle rain anyday! Seriusly!
I'm tired but I dont want to sleep, too much I want to do, but too lazy to do it. Gotta stay in the house or there'll be some small thing to spend money on.
Goign to be strange because Karel is leaving, and I'm really going to miss her. Lots of ppl I know are going, and I wonder how things will be when they do go. It's part of living here and being a foreigner. People always going and coming, people you make friends with and then they leave. Sometimes you make good friends with them, sometimes they're passing through your life.
Doors that open and shut.
I just want to settle down and have a family...but it doesnt look like that's going to happen soon. I want to see Europe and as much as I can very soon too...but time is against me. But I shouldnt think that way either.
We'll see.
I need to make more friends here. And do some hanging out and keepign my mind off of things. My neck muscles are seizing up, and that's a sure sign that I'm stressing and worrying about too much...and most likely needlessly as usual. It helps to write this stuff have that connection to people who might read it...or even not.
My mood in music is Bjork. Man, I'm so inspired by her. Sometimes i feel that I have Madonna and Bjork in my personality. I dont really mind that idea. I always did like a bit of strangeness and whats-the-word; brashness? Anyway, you get the idea. And a bit of James Bond in there. Ha...or his girls or something. Anyway
Not sure what to say, but I have a lot to say. Same old stuff..tired of it repeating in my life.
Thank goodness for TV or internet...stuff to keep your mind off of things.
I really have to get some different things to do at school/work. Like phonix games and any game for that matter. I've discovered that I'm just not a games type of person. Doens't help when you're working with kids, and that's about one of the best things to get them learning. I just thank God for bingo! haha. Seriously. But even then it's limiting. :( Well, I have a few variations. But there's only so much you're going to do...Help!
Were having a mild thunderstorm right now. I forgot how much I LOVE thunderstorms. I'd rather thunderstorms and humidity than Vancouver drab drizzle rain anyday! Seriusly!
I'm tired but I dont want to sleep, too much I want to do, but too lazy to do it. Gotta stay in the house or there'll be some small thing to spend money on.
Goign to be strange because Karel is leaving, and I'm really going to miss her. Lots of ppl I know are going, and I wonder how things will be when they do go. It's part of living here and being a foreigner. People always going and coming, people you make friends with and then they leave. Sometimes you make good friends with them, sometimes they're passing through your life.
Doors that open and shut.
I just want to settle down and have a family...but it doesnt look like that's going to happen soon. I want to see Europe and as much as I can very soon too...but time is against me. But I shouldnt think that way either.
We'll see.
I need to make more friends here. And do some hanging out and keepign my mind off of things. My neck muscles are seizing up, and that's a sure sign that I'm stressing and worrying about too much...and most likely needlessly as usual. It helps to write this stuff have that connection to people who might read it...or even not.
My mood in music is Bjork. Man, I'm so inspired by her. Sometimes i feel that I have Madonna and Bjork in my personality. I dont really mind that idea. I always did like a bit of strangeness and whats-the-word; brashness? Anyway, you get the idea. And a bit of James Bond in there. Ha...or his girls or something. Anyway
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Yeosu Trip Weekend

Its Sat night at a few mins past midnight. And I can't seem to get away from the puter for one night! Geeeez! I can't help's my connection to the outside world, and the place to download my pictures! And entertainment. So there.
Anyhoo...I've come to a town on the coast of Korea (wierd, am I really in Korea? it feels normal to me now) called Yeosu. It's really quite nice here. The main reason why I came here is to get to the ocean again. I don't realize how much I miss it until I get there, and wow. The smell of an ocean is just not like anything else...not really even the smell, but the air itself. And the sound and the magnatism of the tide...
So I arrived, went to a little temple up a hill, then went to the beach. The taxi kept going through this side road that didnt look like it was going anywhere..and I was almost worried. But then we came to a really cool place in the road where it looked like a dead end almost..but there ahead was a narrow tunnel that looked like a train tunnel, and yes, we went through it! It was just barely wide enough for a car, and there were lights all down it thank goodness. I wondered if it was a one way and how the cars were controlled if it wasnt, and then i discovered as I saw headlights coming toward me that there were regular pullout spaces along the way! BIZARRE! It was sooo cool! I literally had my mouth hanging open! The taxi driver was a bit amused I think at the waeguk in awe at some dumb tunnel! Ha ha.
Then we crossed some train tracks, and there was a cove with some restaraunts along it, and a beach! So there I was, at the beach! Yeayy! I forgot how nice it is. Seems like "what's the big deal" sometimes..but then you get there and ..oh yahhh! So I sat there and wandered around, took pictures, etc...of course. Found a cool shell, and a green rock, and a rock shaped like a heart! OF COURSE! I was laughing out loud to myself. Sat there and watched the waves crashing. Contemplated the concept that I was on the OTHER SIDE of the Pacific Ocean! Had to go and dip my hand in...and it was surprisingly warm! Imagine that! But that was mmy hand. Looked at the lights from the ships on the water. That was honestly my first impression and made me miss a certain view from English bay ALOT. I LOVE those ships..and I didnt know how much until I saw them there. Something homey about it. But then again lights like that have always been 'home' to me in one way or another.
So then it got dark, and I was still on the beach. Got up and decided to wander around the buildings on the beach 'drive', and got to a 'foodstop' with the staple boiled eggs n salt. YUM. The lady there was super charming and funny. They were watching TV with some guy holding works and they were going off...and they sold fireworks there, adn the 'husband' grabbed one and decided to go out and light one off like that too! IT was so cute. She's all shooing him out of the store so he doesnt set it off right there! Ha ha! Yah, so it inspired me to go and buy some fireworks myself! So that's exactly what i did! I got a 25 missile one, and a 'silver sparkler' one. The missile one was loud and worked quite well, the other one didnt work at all..and i was quite dissapointed. I should have got a Roman Candle. Crazy how you can buy them on the side corner store! And anytime of the year. Ha...its fun. I've never honestly got fireworks before and lit them off myself, and by myself..but hey...I'm in Korea! WHO CARES!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Vicious Circles
Well kids, my life seems to be coming to a sort of crossroads again. Strangie how that is. It's because of a few factors. Mainly because a VIP that I've been very very connected to in Canada that has had my heart seems to have vanished, and I'm left with nothing left but to assume things and to overthink things as well. There's a lot I dont understand, but then again its because of LD (or long distance relationships) that are hard because of the very nature of time and distance. Really sucks, but the I do know that I had to come here to Korea for a reason. I just wish that my VIP had held me back from going if it was really something that was important for him...but I can't say that either, because he had the maturity and decency and wotever other word to describe it to let me go, and do what I needed to do. I just hope it wasnt a mistake. But then I know it wasn't. It's just an interesting thing to plan your future now. To wonder what is next. To try to figure out what you want to happen next, when it seems that it's turning out to be the opposite of what you hoped.
Funny that, how you have your hopes and dreams and plans that you conjure up and try to make happen...and then life has its twists and turns. And again I am pointed back to the quote from my favorite movie which says, "...don't look for straight lines. Life isn't like that." Yep, you can say that again.
Ugh, its all so frustrating. But then its exciting in a way because its a 'hold on and go for the ride' kindof thing. But I wanna control it! I want to at least know how to plan and have a direction in this bumpy ride. And wearing your heart on your sleeve doesn't help either.
Well, after coming to some conclusions in my head and after some really important friends in my life always being there for me...and listening to my constant crooning, I felt a bit more peace today. And I felt happy too. Well, on the path to being more happy. Those poor kids at times...when I have bad days. Then I feel so bad. Right now I dont know what I'd do without them either! Strangie. (that's how u say it in Korean...everything ends in a 'ie'!)
I have to say its true for me that even after all the crap that can happen, and I just want to throw God away, it always gets worse for me if I do, and I always come back. That might sound hokey to some, but that's how it is for me. Man, God has incredible patience with me..that's for sure.
Kay, gotta sleep...
Funny that, how you have your hopes and dreams and plans that you conjure up and try to make happen...and then life has its twists and turns. And again I am pointed back to the quote from my favorite movie which says, "...don't look for straight lines. Life isn't like that." Yep, you can say that again.
Ugh, its all so frustrating. But then its exciting in a way because its a 'hold on and go for the ride' kindof thing. But I wanna control it! I want to at least know how to plan and have a direction in this bumpy ride. And wearing your heart on your sleeve doesn't help either.
Well, after coming to some conclusions in my head and after some really important friends in my life always being there for me...and listening to my constant crooning, I felt a bit more peace today. And I felt happy too. Well, on the path to being more happy. Those poor kids at times...when I have bad days. Then I feel so bad. Right now I dont know what I'd do without them either! Strangie. (that's how u say it in Korean...everything ends in a 'ie'!)
I have to say its true for me that even after all the crap that can happen, and I just want to throw God away, it always gets worse for me if I do, and I always come back. That might sound hokey to some, but that's how it is for me. Man, God has incredible patience with me..that's for sure.
Kay, gotta sleep...
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
My latest obsession

This is by a Japanese artist. His name is Yoshitomo Nara....and He ROCKS! This girl is just awesome because she's this 'sweet innocent' little girl with this attitude that sometimes I have to say I felt like her, and still do at times. IT's like this inner dark side that has to rebel and show her face at times. I have been seeing Tshirts starting to come out with her, and yep..I'm getting them all if I can help it! SOooo cheap! Stop me now!
The one pic is of an original ashtray that he did. I gotta find more like this! I'm starting to 'get' the deal about animation and stuff now. Painting idea? :D
Oh, and by the way, I'm thinking of ideas and opinions about stickers. What the HECK do you do with them besides stick them in some book? Or on your guitar case or your car? What about those tiny ones? What about those big ones? Collage? I have issues with collages. I'd prefer modern simplicity...but..I'm starting to change my mind about how I look at these things. Hmmmmmmm. Anyone have any ideas? I'd love to hear them on the comments or email. Or pictures would be even better! I gotta do this in a generated survey I think...just for fun to see what would happen. Hmmm...good idea. Now to do it...
Silence turned upside-down
Tonight was a good and bittersweet night for me. Creating my inner world of anxiety all that much more intense today as usual, pluggin along through it, and somehow I always get through the day. I was not sure what to do after work. Thank God for those kids at times, because they keep my brain active most of the day so I don't go overboard!
So I was thinking of going to see a Hangul movie (that's Korean) but it didn't end up happening. For some reason as soon as I come home I just dont want to get the energy to go back out till I absolutely have to. Tv and Internet and food and clothes, and a constant mess of some sort seems to keep me here. All the reading I want to do but can't seem to pick up a book for long. Feel guilty for that too. Man, I'm really hard on myself huh? How on earth do I turn that around? Pray a LOT I guess. But even then I have the choices. Ugh..I hate that.
So I ended up cooking a meal of spaghetti and sauce with braized green and red peppers and 'meatballs' of broccoli an cheese balls. YUM that was good. Halfway through cooking it I remembered Windy (my ex roomie) noticing that whenever I cooked up a storm it was because I was stressed, or most likely upset at something. Yep, it occurred to me that perhaps that's exactly what was happening. I am stressed...about a few major things in my life. And the problem with a few of them is that its not in my control to do anything about it. All I can do is wait and wonder...and drive myself nuts. But I dont' have to drive myself nuts! I can choose what to do with the situation. Do I hold on? Do I let it go? How much do I wait? What is it worth to me? Is it something that will repeat itself in the future? Do I really want that? IT's hard to tell because of the situation if that's really the case. And I feel horrible for thinking that even. But...that's how it is. All I can do is what I can on my end.
So while some of these thoughts are going through my head...I am eating, and watching TV (some horrible TV about 'Camelot' and a lot of gross dead things, beautiful shiny costumes, and a movie with Denzel and Angelina about crime scenes which in a sense was good, but a lot of nto so pretty scenes in there that I'm afraid I'll be dreaming bad stuff). And then somethign occurred to me while I was watching a shot in the 'Lancelot' movie....a Painting!
Yes folks, I did indeed settle down and DID a painting that I feel really quite good about here in Korea. And it involves some Korean even! Yep, I'm happy about it. Especially since I used some 'Korean brushes' and 'Korean paper' and was very influenced by 'Korean colors'. AND I used 'Korean paint' which was acrylic (I hardly ever use acrylic) and used it like watercolor! So I'm impressed with that. I'll download a pic as soon as I get it. I've got sooo many pics to download it's not even funny.
Oh man...I'm just watching a bit of TV..or being distracted by it whilst I'm sitting here typing away...adn there's a show about a young woman who has a daughter, and she has a 'new' boyfriend, and the little girl comes up to the boyfriend while he is sitting at their table eating dinner, and she totally gives him the guilt trip! Its fun to watch Asian expressions and attitudes in talking because at times they can seem really quite whiny or put off. But the funny thing is that it seems light and heavy at the same time. IT's like there's some big guilt trip....but then Asians have this way of laughing it off that's equally as entertaining. I'm so glad I've had the experience of seeing this first hand. There was sooooo much I never knew or understood about Asian people until I came here. And now I'm starting to really be able to tell the difference of different Asian countries too...and that's really cool! Specially for a whitie! Ha ha. I really am going to miss things about this country...
I havent been goign to taekwondo very much for the last few weeks. Bad me...but I guess i need a break. Its getting quite warm and its always it does make a difference. But I'm determined. So we'll see.
So I gotta sleep here...but I gotta say...I'm so glad I stayed in today. I really needed this time of reflection and inflection. A time to let go and cling to things, a time to get some clarity...but I need a LOT more. A time to spew out some colors and shapes onto a portray how I feel outside of myself. I really needed that. Now I just feel alone, and the solitude of the silence. I'd like to console myself with the following....
"It just matters to know that someone loves me to the core somewhere on the planet". And I'd like to add to that...somewhere in the universe." Cuz that's about what I feel I've got left...somewhere deep in the universe there's something constant that won't let me down that I can talk to anytime and I know He's listening. Somehow...
I need to go look at the moon and the stars now...if I can see them. Apparently the rainy few weeks start tomorrow...
So I was thinking of going to see a Hangul movie (that's Korean) but it didn't end up happening. For some reason as soon as I come home I just dont want to get the energy to go back out till I absolutely have to. Tv and Internet and food and clothes, and a constant mess of some sort seems to keep me here. All the reading I want to do but can't seem to pick up a book for long. Feel guilty for that too. Man, I'm really hard on myself huh? How on earth do I turn that around? Pray a LOT I guess. But even then I have the choices. Ugh..I hate that.
So I ended up cooking a meal of spaghetti and sauce with braized green and red peppers and 'meatballs' of broccoli an cheese balls. YUM that was good. Halfway through cooking it I remembered Windy (my ex roomie) noticing that whenever I cooked up a storm it was because I was stressed, or most likely upset at something. Yep, it occurred to me that perhaps that's exactly what was happening. I am stressed...about a few major things in my life. And the problem with a few of them is that its not in my control to do anything about it. All I can do is wait and wonder...and drive myself nuts. But I dont' have to drive myself nuts! I can choose what to do with the situation. Do I hold on? Do I let it go? How much do I wait? What is it worth to me? Is it something that will repeat itself in the future? Do I really want that? IT's hard to tell because of the situation if that's really the case. And I feel horrible for thinking that even. But...that's how it is. All I can do is what I can on my end.
So while some of these thoughts are going through my head...I am eating, and watching TV (some horrible TV about 'Camelot' and a lot of gross dead things, beautiful shiny costumes, and a movie with Denzel and Angelina about crime scenes which in a sense was good, but a lot of nto so pretty scenes in there that I'm afraid I'll be dreaming bad stuff). And then somethign occurred to me while I was watching a shot in the 'Lancelot' movie....a Painting!
Yes folks, I did indeed settle down and DID a painting that I feel really quite good about here in Korea. And it involves some Korean even! Yep, I'm happy about it. Especially since I used some 'Korean brushes' and 'Korean paper' and was very influenced by 'Korean colors'. AND I used 'Korean paint' which was acrylic (I hardly ever use acrylic) and used it like watercolor! So I'm impressed with that. I'll download a pic as soon as I get it. I've got sooo many pics to download it's not even funny.
Oh man...I'm just watching a bit of TV..or being distracted by it whilst I'm sitting here typing away...adn there's a show about a young woman who has a daughter, and she has a 'new' boyfriend, and the little girl comes up to the boyfriend while he is sitting at their table eating dinner, and she totally gives him the guilt trip! Its fun to watch Asian expressions and attitudes in talking because at times they can seem really quite whiny or put off. But the funny thing is that it seems light and heavy at the same time. IT's like there's some big guilt trip....but then Asians have this way of laughing it off that's equally as entertaining. I'm so glad I've had the experience of seeing this first hand. There was sooooo much I never knew or understood about Asian people until I came here. And now I'm starting to really be able to tell the difference of different Asian countries too...and that's really cool! Specially for a whitie! Ha ha. I really am going to miss things about this country...
I havent been goign to taekwondo very much for the last few weeks. Bad me...but I guess i need a break. Its getting quite warm and its always it does make a difference. But I'm determined. So we'll see.
So I gotta sleep here...but I gotta say...I'm so glad I stayed in today. I really needed this time of reflection and inflection. A time to let go and cling to things, a time to get some clarity...but I need a LOT more. A time to spew out some colors and shapes onto a portray how I feel outside of myself. I really needed that. Now I just feel alone, and the solitude of the silence. I'd like to console myself with the following....
"It just matters to know that someone loves me to the core somewhere on the planet". And I'd like to add to that...somewhere in the universe." Cuz that's about what I feel I've got left...somewhere deep in the universe there's something constant that won't let me down that I can talk to anytime and I know He's listening. Somehow...
I need to go look at the moon and the stars now...if I can see them. Apparently the rainy few weeks start tomorrow...
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Slideshow - My Paintings
"" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="426" height="320" name="flashticker" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""/>
Thursday, June 15, 2006
The home of fish!
And this one too!
I just found out that I can blog pictures through Flikr! I LOVE the internet and the things you can find! Specially at FAST computers in a PC bang in Korea! Gotta get me a notebook or a PC...soon....
The Lout Desert, 2004
I was just surfing through Flikr and found this wonderful photo. Her whole set just had me gasping. I'm so inspired, and I really really lwant to go to Iran now!
Monday, June 12, 2006
More cute stuff
And this one cute is that?!

Myspace Layouts
Now I have to figure out how to link to music.

this is too much fun! Stop me now!

Myspace Layouts
Now I have to figure out how to link to music.

this is too much fun! Stop me now!
havin fun wasting time
You gotta check out my "My Space". Just because it's rediculous how much time I've been spending doing this. I'm trying to teach myself HTML and stuff. I've been playing around with codes and other things just for the fun of it.
All those sparkle tags and cursors and graphics and stuff you can find online. It makes my brain hurt but it wires me up! Gimmme more!
Ya, like this one makes me laugh! Lets see if this works...

Myspace Layouts
You gotta check out my "My Space". Just because it's rediculous how much time I've been spending doing this. I'm trying to teach myself HTML and stuff. I've been playing around with codes and other things just for the fun of it.
All those sparkle tags and cursors and graphics and stuff you can find online. It makes my brain hurt but it wires me up! Gimmme more!
Ya, like this one makes me laugh! Lets see if this works...

Myspace Layouts
Hello people out there. I'm still here. I had a bit of a depressing weekend for a few or many reasons. Some of which are a result of my overthinking things and needless worrying. They say 'just dont worry so much' or 'just dont think about it' or 'it will all be okay' or 'time will tell'. That would be nice if i could change the thoughts that run through my head....cuz they still happen. But it sure helps to hear that though. Funny how that works. I think that a lot of that is the 'isolation' here in that I dont speak the language what else does your brain do? Go nuts I suppose.
I'm missing certain VIP people in my life a lot. But I'm trying to make my time here the best it can be. I dont want to be making it a negative experience by thinking negatively.
I guess its just that my friend Lindsey came and left for Canada, my friend Karel is leaving in a few weeks. My friend Candice left for Germany (from Seoul) for two weeks vacation on Saturday. A Korean friend I thought I made here hasnt called, and I dont expect him to. (I'm kindof glad though because I dont want to have to bother with some things that come with that). I've got a boyfriend in Canada that has my heart, and I think there could be some conflicts there that I dont need.
I've been watching a lot of TV, and I really should get into a book again. I just dont want to for some reason. I'm enjoying the mindlessness of TV for a change...even if it does drive me nuts. I must say I am enjoying all the fashion here though. Fashion it.
I did a bit of an art project on the weekend too. I got some metal mesh and mounted some cool postcard/pictures on it that I love. There's a pipe that runs along the length of the room on the ceiling which provided the perfect place to hang pictures from 'gallery' style. I strung them up with a bit of twine, or thread so two of them look suspended, and the other big one that I mounted on a cool piece of thin cardboard with a wavy pattern in it. Hard to explain in a way, but I'll just have to take a picture I suppose.
I'm so glad I got that camera. I'm loving taking pictures with it. It's amazing the difference in quality that 3.3pixels to 6.0 pixels make. It's faster, and lighter and easier to carry around.
I've gone completly Korean, cuz you can buy these stickers for extra cheap to put on your cell phone. So it's a sheet of 5"x3" of sticker. It's great cuz it protects your phone (or your camera ;) and make it look fun. The sticker can be transparent, or opaque, depending on what u like. I've finally got the hang of stickers...I spose that's my creative outlet now. I'm going to have to do a 'painting' with stickers I think!
Okay, I gotta run teach a class. Till next time!
I'm missing certain VIP people in my life a lot. But I'm trying to make my time here the best it can be. I dont want to be making it a negative experience by thinking negatively.
I guess its just that my friend Lindsey came and left for Canada, my friend Karel is leaving in a few weeks. My friend Candice left for Germany (from Seoul) for two weeks vacation on Saturday. A Korean friend I thought I made here hasnt called, and I dont expect him to. (I'm kindof glad though because I dont want to have to bother with some things that come with that). I've got a boyfriend in Canada that has my heart, and I think there could be some conflicts there that I dont need.
I've been watching a lot of TV, and I really should get into a book again. I just dont want to for some reason. I'm enjoying the mindlessness of TV for a change...even if it does drive me nuts. I must say I am enjoying all the fashion here though. Fashion it.
I did a bit of an art project on the weekend too. I got some metal mesh and mounted some cool postcard/pictures on it that I love. There's a pipe that runs along the length of the room on the ceiling which provided the perfect place to hang pictures from 'gallery' style. I strung them up with a bit of twine, or thread so two of them look suspended, and the other big one that I mounted on a cool piece of thin cardboard with a wavy pattern in it. Hard to explain in a way, but I'll just have to take a picture I suppose.
I'm so glad I got that camera. I'm loving taking pictures with it. It's amazing the difference in quality that 3.3pixels to 6.0 pixels make. It's faster, and lighter and easier to carry around.
I've gone completly Korean, cuz you can buy these stickers for extra cheap to put on your cell phone. So it's a sheet of 5"x3" of sticker. It's great cuz it protects your phone (or your camera ;) and make it look fun. The sticker can be transparent, or opaque, depending on what u like. I've finally got the hang of stickers...I spose that's my creative outlet now. I'm going to have to do a 'painting' with stickers I think!
Okay, I gotta run teach a class. Till next time!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Wedding Day for Alison
Yep, today I got to fulfil my wish and hope of being involved in Alison and Mike's wedding. The phonecall thing worked, and they put me on speaker phone, and I got to speak to everyone there. It was so nice. I got all nervous though...and I almost got a little flustered...but it was great. I was just handed right over..and it happened that I phoned in the middle of a toast to the bride! ha ha! Well, maybe that makes it even better! Everyone in the crowd said 'Hi Wendy'! ha ha! That was awesome. I'm so happy that could happen at least...even if I couldnt be there in person. I know I'd regret it for the rest of my life if I couldnt at least do that! So that's done... Cant believe she's married! Ha! Mrs. Spatari after all that. WIerd!
Man, I did want to give out the dirt though..and if i knew that i could or how the environment was..I most certainly would have done that! but that's ok.
Man, the weekend was really good, and crazy, and all of the above. Candice came down to visit. I forget how much of a habitual person I am, and how I like things a certain way, and then people come into your life and do it differently, and then I realize how self-contained I am now...and it makes me kindof sad. I have to learn to be more unselfish and accepting of interruptions and things not goign the way I'm used to in life. And I relish those things though as well, because it makes it interesting. Just wierd how 'living with someone' makes you realize how habitual you can become about how u like things a certain way. Man, I feel like I"m being really negative here, and if it sounds like it, I dont mean to be. I'm really tired at the moment that would make a difference!
Its just been a day of a lot of emotions and strange feelings to deal with. And PWS..which is Post Weekend Depression!
Candice and I went out to a HUGE club last night that has live dancers and musicians and acrobats and the whole bit. It was pretty spectacular. It feels like you're in a spaceship and it's just over the top. We were hauled over to some guys table from our table at one point, no option to refuse...a hostess just came and grabbed Candice's arm..almost forcefully and guided us over. I came along for the 'girl' support...and that's cool. But the funny thing was that I ended up connnecting with the guy I was sitting beside more than the guy that asked for candice! Ha ha! We just had a blast. I was teaching him how to tango, and he was showing me some taekwondo moves while dancing! IT was great! You know how u meet some people in your life and things like personalities just click..well that's how this was. I love it when that happens...and maybe I can learn some Kung Fu moves from this guy. Yay. And NO, I'm not interested in him any other way...geez you guys. The assumptions that come just cuz I'm an alone woman in Korea! Sorry Asian're good looking and all...but I just can't go there. Strange but true. Specially cuz I have someone else on my heart too...
Crazy how life is. So anyway...after taking some fun pics..and getting a little excercise...and a little sleep...wayyy too late in the night for me tho...its another day. and right now I'm so tired...and gotta catch up on it.
And I'm feeling a bit depressed and 'homesick' for some certain people at home....and nothign I can do about it. Even a phonecall doesnt solve anything..and maybe makes it worse sometimes. But not enirely..cuz communication is so important to keep those connections in the first place.
I'm also thinking about how fast the time is going..and what am I really going to do when i get back. Especially of living a 'fantasy' life here, complete with the attention you get from people, and the casual way of life, and I'm able to pay my bills here....and get ahead financially. At home it will be back to worrying about how to cope again..and that's somethign I'm not looking forward to. But life must go on...and things will happen when they're meant to. Until then..we will wait and see.. soon.
Man, I did want to give out the dirt though..and if i knew that i could or how the environment was..I most certainly would have done that! but that's ok.
Man, the weekend was really good, and crazy, and all of the above. Candice came down to visit. I forget how much of a habitual person I am, and how I like things a certain way, and then people come into your life and do it differently, and then I realize how self-contained I am now...and it makes me kindof sad. I have to learn to be more unselfish and accepting of interruptions and things not goign the way I'm used to in life. And I relish those things though as well, because it makes it interesting. Just wierd how 'living with someone' makes you realize how habitual you can become about how u like things a certain way. Man, I feel like I"m being really negative here, and if it sounds like it, I dont mean to be. I'm really tired at the moment that would make a difference!
Its just been a day of a lot of emotions and strange feelings to deal with. And PWS..which is Post Weekend Depression!
Candice and I went out to a HUGE club last night that has live dancers and musicians and acrobats and the whole bit. It was pretty spectacular. It feels like you're in a spaceship and it's just over the top. We were hauled over to some guys table from our table at one point, no option to refuse...a hostess just came and grabbed Candice's arm..almost forcefully and guided us over. I came along for the 'girl' support...and that's cool. But the funny thing was that I ended up connnecting with the guy I was sitting beside more than the guy that asked for candice! Ha ha! We just had a blast. I was teaching him how to tango, and he was showing me some taekwondo moves while dancing! IT was great! You know how u meet some people in your life and things like personalities just click..well that's how this was. I love it when that happens...and maybe I can learn some Kung Fu moves from this guy. Yay. And NO, I'm not interested in him any other way...geez you guys. The assumptions that come just cuz I'm an alone woman in Korea! Sorry Asian're good looking and all...but I just can't go there. Strange but true. Specially cuz I have someone else on my heart too...
Crazy how life is. So anyway...after taking some fun pics..and getting a little excercise...and a little sleep...wayyy too late in the night for me tho...its another day. and right now I'm so tired...and gotta catch up on it.
And I'm feeling a bit depressed and 'homesick' for some certain people at home....and nothign I can do about it. Even a phonecall doesnt solve anything..and maybe makes it worse sometimes. But not enirely..cuz communication is so important to keep those connections in the first place.
I'm also thinking about how fast the time is going..and what am I really going to do when i get back. Especially of living a 'fantasy' life here, complete with the attention you get from people, and the casual way of life, and I'm able to pay my bills here....and get ahead financially. At home it will be back to worrying about how to cope again..and that's somethign I'm not looking forward to. But life must go on...and things will happen when they're meant to. Until then..we will wait and see.. soon.
Friday, June 02, 2006

So it's Friday night here in Korea. I'm thinking a lot about certain VIP people at home. One in particular as usual, and another very very important girlfriend...that is GETTING MARRIED tomorrow...well that's June 3 or Sunday very early am for me. If I have my times right. Yeah, that means that I usually wake up at around 830am and that's 330pm the day before in Canada. Wierd. And right then is when she's getting married! WIERD! I wish so much I could have been there...and I could have been a bridesmaid too..which I've always wanted to do once in my life..and here I am. But that was a decision I made..and I'm still glad I came to Korea. SO I hope I can get in touch with them at their wedding, but we'll see what happens.
It's really warming up here right now. It was almost 30 degrees today, and apparently it's going to be getting warmer from now on. Its humid, and I am getting used to feeling like im always a bit damp or oily/sweaty it feels sometimes. Interesting. I've forgotten what it's like from when I lived in Ontario when I was young. But even then, it seems a bit different. It's interesting. We'll see how I feel mid July!
I was thinking that there were going to be a lot more bugs, and so far it isnt bad. I hope I wont jinx anythign by saying that! Ha ha...just my luck.
Anyway, I think I'm going to go to a jimjilbang tonight. I feel like 'going away' and relaxing and sweating it out a bit.
My friend Candice is coming down from Suwon (close to Seoul) for the weekend, so I'll go and get relaxed over night...get my butt up to do some things with the church ppl tomorrow am. Candice, then go out on the town a bit tomorrow night. Then get up and hopefully connect with Alison and Mike's wedding!
Gnite! Miss you all right now...
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Addicted to the Internet
Yep folks, I'm officially addicted. I sit here in a PC bang cuz the puters are SooperDooper fast because they are here to play games on...which by the way, this country is addicted to! Yep, so I've discovered things like sparkle names, and pictures, and online shopping to get my 'eye shopping' fix without spending. Not so sure about the non-spending part. All I can say is thank God I dont have a credit card. That thing would officially kill me. Even tho I would like to have one for those emergencies..but I'd have to freeze it in an iceburg so I would have to work my arse off to get to it! Emergency times 2!!

Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Yep, that about says it all.
Yesterday I went to the Bamboo 'Forest' in Damyang, a town close to here (gwangju). And I went all Korean style. That is..everyone travels wearing heels and dresses. So I decided, if they can do it, I can too! SO I wear my 3 inch heels (how Koreans make heels are different I swear..they're not so bad to walk on! and dont kill your feet as much! dunno..but its true), and a skirt and the whole bit. I LOVE it.
Anyway, I really gotta get out of here. WAY too much time online!

Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Yep, that about says it all.
Yesterday I went to the Bamboo 'Forest' in Damyang, a town close to here (gwangju). And I went all Korean style. That is..everyone travels wearing heels and dresses. So I decided, if they can do it, I can too! SO I wear my 3 inch heels (how Koreans make heels are different I swear..they're not so bad to walk on! and dont kill your feet as much! dunno..but its true), and a skirt and the whole bit. I LOVE it.
Anyway, I really gotta get out of here. WAY too much time online!
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