Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Well, I'm sick again for the umpteenth time. I went to the doctor finally today who happens to be an Ear,eye,throat,nose doctor (I wish i could remember the term for that). Anyway, that was pretty interesting. You go in and get checked in, and then there's the doctor's chair right there in plain view, beside the big trolley of metal instruments, and you get checked up right then and there. Interesting. They always have to look up your nose...its so wierd. This time they cleaned my nose out like I was in a dentist chair and it was my mouth! Now That was strange. I've got this ear ache that feels like I'm underwater constantly. You know that muffled sound when you cant hear. Strangie. And a headache and I'm feeling a bit achy too. Sinus issues like crazy. And its ALLL yellow. Sorry if that was a bit too much infobut I spose that's what happens when you're breathin yello.
Thank goodness for friends online that keep me occupied and that I can talk to....cuz if it weren't for them, I dont know what I'd do. I'd be goin nuts. And I'm glad that I can share some of this stuff with you guys...it really helps the lonliness knowing that someone out there cares. Crazy how u can feel that was in a big huge world...but that's how it is. It's big and tonnes of people in it, but it still gets lonely. Especially for the ones who are the most important to you and the one that has your heart. Across the ocean...but soon enough......sometimes I wonder if I had my head on right doing it this way. But I do believe I came here for a reason and I'm sooo glad I did. Things happen for a reason...so ...God knows.
I'm also havin a hard time because my best girlfriend who is going to be having her cinderella dream wedding is getting married in 2 weeks, and I was going to be her bridesmaid..which I've always wanted to be, and I'm here so I wont be able to make it. It's really hard...and I really wish I could be there. But we talked about it before I came, so it will be okay. But still! I'm really going to have to come back in July if that's what's meant to happen, but I'm not sure what's going on right now. Such is life I suppose. I have to learn to accept and take it and not try to change and control everything that is not mine to control. Or to smooth over to make it be all nice in my world. Life isnt straight lines..its just not like that. -(quote from my favorite movie, Kama Sutra the Love Story). Man, what I wouldnt do to see that right now. I've seen it no less than 150 times , and I still never get sick of it. How can that be?!!! I just want the Cinderella story but I wonder if it's passed me by...

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