here's the latest ...a conversation with my girlfriend who lives here in Korea too. Thank God for her. It really has been nice having someone here who is going thru the same things. She got here about a little over a month before I did.
We're talkinga bout some things that we're finding in Korea. And ya the shopping mania...
Don' worry Bee happy said:ok im off to taekwondo...
Don' worry Bee happy said:talk soon!
Candice said:bye! (was cleaning house)
Don' worry Bee happy said:
Don' worry Bee happy said:bye
Tickle Monster!! says:oooh man...i just got finished stickerin up my keyboard
Tickle Monster!! says:wooo this is fun
Candice says:nice!
Candice says:how does it look?
Tickle Monster!! says:freakin korean awesome
Candice says:haahaha korean awesome
Tickle Monster!! says:WOW....i just saw the new Hera commercial
Tickle Monster!! says:i was peeled!
Tickle Monster!! says:haha
Tickle Monster!! says:i'll take a pic of the keyboard
Tickle Monster!! says:i am changed forever
Tickle Monster!! says:haha
Candice says:peeled?
Tickle Monster!! says:as in eyes peeled and jaw dropped on the flooor!
Candice says:ohhh haha
Candice says:ya take a pic so i can see
Candice says:(love the 'tickle monster' name btw...soo sesame street or something)
Tickle Monster!! says:tee hee
Tickle Monster!! says:its cuz that's wot im becoming at school...tickling sure helps let me tell ya
Tickle Monster!! says:i forgot how simple and fun that was!
Candice says:oh ya???hhaha
Candice says:ya it's korea..u can touch people here and not get hit with a harrassment charge
Tickle Monster!! says:
Tickle Monster!! says:tru i love it
Tickle Monster!! says:i was thinkin that the other day
Tickle Monster!! says:k check out this gilr
Tickle Monster!! says:i got a tshirt with her on it
Tickle Monster!! says:and i love her! she's so disturbing !
Tickle Monster!! says:and then look at her 'name' !
Tickle Monster!! says:
Candice says:oh dude, i totally know that artist
Candice says:japanese
Candice says:amazing stuff hey??
Tickle Monster!! says:ya
Tickle Monster!! says:i'm really gonna be getting into stuff like cartoonish stuff like that
Tickle Monster!! says:what else do u know
Candice says:ahh, not too much...i came across that artist accidentally at ubc bookstore
Candice says:i also love the artist 'my neighbour totoro'
Tickle Monster!! says:o ya?
Candice says:the artist of totoro
Candice says:oh yaaa, u gotta check it out
Tickle Monster!! says:oooh u gotta see my jacket w buttons all over it
Tickle Monster!! says:i'm button addicted and sticker addicted and....
Tickle Monster!! says:tshirt...
Candice says:oh ya??
Candice says:it
Tickle Monster!! says: oh man...look wat this says
Tickle Monster!! says:im hooked! that's ME!
Tickle Monster!! says:even my name means 'wanderer' !
Candice says:ya sooo cute hey?
Candice says:love it
Tickle Monster!! says:disturbing..and cute
Tickle Monster!! says:strangie
Candice says:REALLY?? you are that i cute
Tickle Monster!! says:awwww shucks
Tickle Monster!! says:haha
Candice says:kind of free
Candice says:wanderer
Candice says:it's true maybe
Candice says:artistic...creative...yep, that's you!! you're a lil sleepwalking girl with sheep ears!
Tickle Monster!! says:hahahaa
Tickle Monster!! says:now i want the tshirt that has a giraffe on it and it says 'deep throat' !
Tickle Monster!! says:
Candice says:hahahahaha NO WAY
Candice says:so rad
Tickle Monster!! says:yah...dunno if its stil there but i'm going to find out soon
Candice says:maybe you told me...i think i told you about that shirt that says "i love my weiner" (at the bottom of shirt is a weiner dog)
Tickle Monster!! says:u know how korea is for see it get it or its gone
Candice says:sooo good
Tickle Monster!! says:on NO
Tickle Monster!! says:that's freakin AWESOME!
Candice says:YA
Tickle Monster!! says:i dont wanna leave korea for the cool tshirts!
Candice says:i'm kicking myself for not buying
Tickle Monster!! says:konglish
Tickle Monster!! gona be doign that for the deep shirt too
Tickle Monster!! says:and the one that says 'i girls on it
Tickle Monster!! says:hahahah
Tickle Monster!! says:im glad i got the boyfriend one tho
Tickle Monster!! says:tee hee
Candice says:haha i love girls..awesome
Tickle Monster!! says:oh and not just 'i love girls' but also 'cute girls'
Tickle Monster!! says:haha
Candice says:hahaah
Candice says:NICE
Candice says:ya...i'm actually keeping a lil notebook and writing down funny sayings on shirts when i see them
Tickle Monster!! says:ohh that's an awesome idea!!
Tickle Monster!! says:so hows it lookin fer the weekend?
Tickle Monster!! says:i think im gonna do kyonggju
Candice says:damn...and i can't
Tickle Monster!! says:i need to go somewhere
Candice says:ya...good for you
Tickle Monster!! says:or i could go to seoul..
Candice says:i will go to kyeongju another time...with you i hope
Tickle Monster!! says:ya
Candice says:it's supposed to be amazing
Yah...I gotta go to a concert VERY sooon. And we'l see what happens this weekend. I'm soooo glad I'm feeling wayyyy better this week. Feelin back to myself...but im realy getting annoyed at my rib. I went to taekwondo on Monday, but it felt pretty sore after...well not too much..but just enuff that i didnt go tonight. Grrr.... I wanna GO but I'd better be careful!
I love how the weather changes here. One day its not sure what's going on..and the really is spring and Warm too! It was 20 celcius the other dya, and it feels like summer to me. Humid too, but I think I dont mind it. We'll see what happens. The yello dust is still here tho. At least my cough is a bit better. Or maybe I'm just getting used to it.
I spent a lonnng time in the PC bang the other day (4 hours!!!) and i found some really cool websites ---like the one where i got that heart post it below. How cool is that? to ya next time.