Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Yello Dust Season

Land of Yellow Dust in my throat. I was wondering why my throat was so dry. It feels that I just cant get enough water in there or something. I forgot that it's Yello dust season. I want to go to Seoul to see it, because apparently you can see a bit of yello in the air. Interesting. In case you dont really know what or why, it's yellow dust that blows down from China every year at this time of the year. I dont know too much more about it, but that's about it. Apparently you have to beware of your eyes that you dont get dust in them. I dont quite understand how that works either, but I've been observing, and no one wears swim goggles or anything...and I havent felt that I've needed to. So there.

Well tonight i took the night off per se, and I went to SangMu (a neighbourhood of Gwangju close to my place), and I was going to see a movie. It ended up that they were starting at times I went and walked around. I had been there before, and saw this building in the distance, and had wondered what it was. So I just started to walk in that direction. The top of the building was lit in blue, and in a curved that's enough to pique anyone's interest. there was a large section of the road that was divided by a roundabout at the end, and 4 lane 'highway' on both sides. in the middle is paved with 4" tiles, and then there are patterns recessed in the pathway. Squares of grass, and 'elevators' in different shapes. The landscaping is ecquisite. The recesses are waterways, and there are stepping stones and little bridges. It ends up in the middle of a 'sundial' where the waterway stream runs into.

Then you look up, and there across the street is the building. WOW. It's the modern architectural prize of Gwang-ju that's for sure. I didnt quite understand it until I came closer. Wooo! I can only explain it more with the the pictures I took.
Regardless, I felt a return to me again. The spirit of adventure and exploration. I'm soo glad i didnt go to the movie!

K i gotta sleep now. :D

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