Well today went pretty good, I must say. I was praying hard that I woulndt stress out so much...and voila! It sure worked! Thank God. I was actually relaxing and having fun...
And then I went to taekwondo ...late again cuz working later makes it hard to get ther eon time. But it's ok cuz other kids do that too..so I dont feel so bad. Really, all I missed was the warmup. So then we do some drills, and all of a sudden the instructor or Kuk Sa Nim, (Pak Am-Oo is his name) starts completely cracking up laughing to himself..and I have no idea why. I think he might be laughing at me though....I wouldnt be surprised. i guess i looked quite funny trying to get back on the 'ball' at doing a crossover face block arm move called olgul-makki, and I was fumbling a bit, and it must have been hilarious... I've never seen him like that!
I love how Koreans will just laugh at you...and it's ok. Its honest and funny and critisizing and caring all at the same time. I felt completely embarrassed but that's just Korean...and that's part of it. And I was laughing as much as he was almost. At myself...if I was indeed the one he was laughing at. What made it funniest is that he has a silent strict manner...and I'm not sure what was funnier-him laughing or me not sure who or what he was laughing at. I cant even describe it enough. He was laughing for a full minute or two while we all stood there in our 'pose' and tried not to laugh ...which made it funnier as he covered his face. It was priceless!
Anyway, on the weekend I went on a tour to a famous place in Korea. It was a bus ride 2 hours away. It's two mountains that are joined together, and we hiked between them. At the base of the mountain was a small lake that had pedal boats in it! The best part was they were shaped like swans or ducks I think. Woohooo! I wanted to do it..but it wasnt in the agenda.
SO we went to the base of the mountain, and there in the crevice was what they called 'pagodas' which were stones piled up with no mortar or anything keeping them together. There were about 80 of them but two of them were the most impressive. Apparently they have been there for 100 years or so. Amazing when u think of that.
There were Bhudda statues and small caves with incense and water in or around them. People were bowing and praying or paying their respects or just beign tourists. There were the regular temples there too. Several small ones. Then I heard a beautiful sound of a drum. Stopped me in my tracks actually. As I got closer I discovered that everyone was taking a turn at drumming. I was told that it is the largest drum in Korea. Hmmmm. Later when most ppl had tried, I went back and played on a it a bit. I got into trouble though because I wanted to make a big long sound, and not just 3 bangs on it. So I did it and the rumbling sound was amazing coming from this huge drum. But ya, I got into trouble for it...and the old man 'guarding' it said only 3 in Korean...so I went back and finished the deed. Man, that was fun.
Then we climbed up to the top of the join of the mountains...and did a tour guide blurb of the stories or myths of the mountain. Why does there always have to be a story...why can't it just be that there are just simply two mountains with an odd shape and are taller than the rest and are unusual. I'd like that. But then again, stories are interesting...and charming.
There was a cave a short climb up...and I'm so glad I did that. It was a sight to see.
Then down the other side to a restaraunt for gooood bibimbap. I know one thing for sure....I'll be visiting Korean restaraunts for bibimbap in Canada. I think I'll miss it! And even plain ol rice and kimchi! And hunks of seaweed in soup. Yum. And dried up pieces of seaweed lightly toasted with sesame seeds. YUMMMY.
Then I got some souveniers...and hopped on the bus for the next item on the list. Dying fabric or making ddeok-rice cake. I chose fabric of course...and we were given a white silk handkerchief to tie up and dip into first a yellow dye made from onion peel, and perhaps a dried fruit that was yellow. Of course it HAS to be yellow! We're in Asia! I'm really growing to really love and understand yellow a lot more. The very earth is yellow here...and the most beautiful color of it too.
Then the next color option after the first fixative of a bitter salt like substance was a dark brownish green that was made from iron dissolved in water. So dippidy dooo...and there u go. Dip it in 3 more solutions and presto! Dry and iron it up and you've got yourself a naturally dyed handkerchief. It was a bit fast, and I wish I could find out more about how to get the materials and where..but the lady only spoke Korean, and the interpreting people werent able to interpret fast enough I guess. Whatever..it was worth it.
The building itself was beautiful too. The walls were made from yello earth I think, and the window frames were painted an aqua blue. Stunning.
Then we came back and went out for a big Shabu-shabu which is a hot pot that u cook greens and various mushrooms and red pepper in a pot, then you get plates of very thinly sliced beef, or whatever, and dump it in and let it all cook up...and it's really quite delicious. I tried a small piece of the beef...just to experience it..and it was some of the best tasting meat I've ever tried. Yep..you heard me. But I'd still prefer to be veggie. Sorry..cant' help it. But I feel that I want to try whenever my brain will let me. Ha. I did try escargot after all! DID I REALLY DO THAT?!! Well to me that 's part of experiencing cultures...but man...did I really do that?!!
On Sunday night I went out to see Pride and Predjudice. Ya ya agirly movie so they call it. BUt it was good. And I was crying by the end of it. I cant believe it but I was. I NEVER cry at movies. ...except Dancer in the Dark. WOWzers..that one got me bad.
The weekend was great, but it was hard just because everyone's boyfriend or girlfriend has come to visit, and I miss mine! Darnit! But these things happen for a reason...but it's HARD!
Well, I gotta sleep. I cant seem to get to sleep until at least 1 am , and it's 1 30 am right now. I'm too wired. I gotta stop that somehow. It would really help my stress level I'm sure. I'm just glued to this puter! What can I say, I'm a junkie.
Okay, whaddya know...I've written another post in my blog! it's about time! Spelling mistakes and lazy English and all. I really do teach English properly u know! Ha!
Miss you all...
Monday, March 27, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Yello Dust Season
Land of Yellow Dust in my throat. I was wondering why my throat was so dry. It feels that I just cant get enough water in there or something. I forgot that it's Yello dust season. I want to go to Seoul to see it, because apparently you can see a bit of yello in the air. Interesting. In case you dont really know what or why, it's yellow dust that blows down from China every year at this time of the year. I dont know too much more about it, but that's about it. Apparently you have to beware of your eyes that you dont get dust in them. I dont quite understand how that works either, but I've been observing, and no one wears swim goggles or anything...and I havent felt that I've needed to. So there.
Well tonight i took the night off per se, and I went to SangMu (a neighbourhood of Gwangju close to my place), and I was going to see a movie. It ended up that they were starting at times later...so I went and walked around. I had been there before, and saw this building in the distance, and had wondered what it was. So I just started to walk in that direction. The top of the building was lit in blue, and in a curved shape...so that's enough to pique anyone's interest. there was a large section of the road that was divided by a roundabout at the end, and 4 lane 'highway' on both sides. in the middle is paved with 4" tiles, and then there are patterns recessed in the pathway. Squares of grass, and 'elevators' in different shapes. The landscaping is ecquisite. The recesses are waterways, and there are stepping stones and little bridges. It ends up in the middle of a 'sundial' where the waterway stream runs into.
Then you look up, and there across the street is the building. WOW. It's the modern architectural prize of Gwang-ju that's for sure. I didnt quite understand it until I came closer. Wooo! I can only explain it more with the the pictures I took.
Regardless, I felt a return to me again. The spirit of adventure and exploration. I'm soo glad i didnt go to the movie!
K i gotta sleep now. :D
Well tonight i took the night off per se, and I went to SangMu (a neighbourhood of Gwangju close to my place), and I was going to see a movie. It ended up that they were starting at times later...so I went and walked around. I had been there before, and saw this building in the distance, and had wondered what it was. So I just started to walk in that direction. The top of the building was lit in blue, and in a curved shape...so that's enough to pique anyone's interest. there was a large section of the road that was divided by a roundabout at the end, and 4 lane 'highway' on both sides. in the middle is paved with 4" tiles, and then there are patterns recessed in the pathway. Squares of grass, and 'elevators' in different shapes. The landscaping is ecquisite. The recesses are waterways, and there are stepping stones and little bridges. It ends up in the middle of a 'sundial' where the waterway stream runs into.
Then you look up, and there across the street is the building. WOW. It's the modern architectural prize of Gwang-ju that's for sure. I didnt quite understand it until I came closer. Wooo! I can only explain it more with the the pictures I took.
Regardless, I felt a return to me again. The spirit of adventure and exploration. I'm soo glad i didnt go to the movie!
K i gotta sleep now. :D
Monday, March 20, 2006
sleepy time

So I went to Taekwondo tonight. I was a bit late cuz I only had half an hour between getting home and cooking dinner and getting there. I really didnt feel like going, honestly, but I'm glad I did because I got some energy out. It's interesting and nice how when Koreans ask sincerely how you are doing they dont ask that exactly, but they ask- have you eaten? I thought at first that they were going to ask me to come and eat with them everytime at first, but now I finally clued in! Man, we did another 'street fighter' move tonight. Woohooo! I'm so glad I'm at least doing this...if not really moving up the ladder fast, I'm at least there and showing up.
I'm so tired right now. I actually cleaned up my place. Having a loveseat is a bad thing for me, cuz everything tend to pile up on it. The benefit of having such a small place is that it gets messy FAST, and you have to keep on top of it more. Darnit.
Okay, I'm too tired to write...will do more next time. There's a few things I gotta say before I forget them soon!
The first picture is Maria and Kevin. The second John, my coworker and his friend Stephie from Germany visiting. The last is Joey stricking a pose! Kinda scary!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Pissy Korea Day
Yah, I'm having a pissy day today. I love these kids, but sometimes my voice is just hoarse from trying to get their attention. Particularily in this one class I just had. Grrr... So I'm writing this to get my frustrations out. Poor kids..I was pretty much swearing in the last one at them. But it certainly did get their attention...for nomore than 2 minutes! There's this one girl Sally that is just a tomboy, and she has a really loud voice. You can't control when they talk that's for sure...and the thing is there are 5 other boys in the class, and she gets them all going. And one new boy, Robin, is pretty smart and is keeping her in check all the time, cuz he will recognize when she's doing something bad, and he will call her on it! It's hilarious actually.
Oh man, my voice is gone! I really try to not raise my voice as much as possible, but there are times you really have to. Or I just havent found a way not to yet. Keeping their interest is important...and I stress out about creating that interest enough for them. Gotta love Bingo for that. Yep.
Gotta run.
I gotta post pics of St. Pattys Day soon.
Oh man, my voice is gone! I really try to not raise my voice as much as possible, but there are times you really have to. Or I just havent found a way not to yet. Keeping their interest is important...and I stress out about creating that interest enough for them. Gotta love Bingo for that. Yep.
Gotta run.
I gotta post pics of St. Pattys Day soon.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Oh...I wanted to add this in...its worth noting! Freaky stuff.
I had a tiring day today. working longer hours. I had a kid totally freak me out today. He hit another girl, and I didnt see it happen. The other girl was just sitting there and grinning after, and I dont know what was happening...I think she was rubbing the issue in that made it happen. It was his fault for hitting her though. But at one point after trying to ignore him (so i wouldnt let him get away with spazzing) I saw that he was just furious...he was breathgin really really heavy, and he had a demonic look in his eyes, and when I saw it I really got scared. It's somethign u had to see I guess. I don think i've ever seen a kid so mad...or anyone for that matter. It was like he coiled up and then he slammed the desk so hard it scared me. Then he did it a few more times. I was with him and tried to get him or someone to tell me what was so wrong. But of course in a situation like that its beyond interpretation and words. Then he got so mad he got up and tried to crawl out the window. It looked like he wanted to jump or something and we are on the 3rd floor. Scary! So the class was almost over anyway, and I packed him up and took him to a Korean teacher where she sorted it out. IT turned out that he was in the wrong (the other girl was there too). But man, I was shaking. Freaky stuff.
Anyway, I gotta go and get me some sleep. I'm glad today was over!
I had a tiring day today. working longer hours. I had a kid totally freak me out today. He hit another girl, and I didnt see it happen. The other girl was just sitting there and grinning after, and I dont know what was happening...I think she was rubbing the issue in that made it happen. It was his fault for hitting her though. But at one point after trying to ignore him (so i wouldnt let him get away with spazzing) I saw that he was just furious...he was breathgin really really heavy, and he had a demonic look in his eyes, and when I saw it I really got scared. It's somethign u had to see I guess. I don think i've ever seen a kid so mad...or anyone for that matter. It was like he coiled up and then he slammed the desk so hard it scared me. Then he did it a few more times. I was with him and tried to get him or someone to tell me what was so wrong. But of course in a situation like that its beyond interpretation and words. Then he got so mad he got up and tried to crawl out the window. It looked like he wanted to jump or something and we are on the 3rd floor. Scary! So the class was almost over anyway, and I packed him up and took him to a Korean teacher where she sorted it out. IT turned out that he was in the wrong (the other girl was there too). But man, I was shaking. Freaky stuff.
Anyway, I gotta go and get me some sleep. I'm glad today was over!

This is what u do at the jimjilbang. The marble floor is heated of course, and those are the sauna 'huts' where the temperature is mounted outside digitally. See that? Love the doors. Stones are 'inlaid' on the exterior and interior. I'm addicted. You can also sleep here overnight. It's great for 5-8 bucks!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Back to School! in March!
Yep, school starts in March here. School ends at the end of February, and then March 1 is Korean Independance Day (one of two, I believe), and then the next day its' back to school! Ha!
These poor kids. They work so hard. They're really in school from 6 am till 10 pm. Tonight there was a kid falling asleep in my class, and its not the first time. That's not from me...c'mon...it's from them workin long hours. I see kids out on the street at midnight a lot of times too. Usually they're out playing around by then like kids should be. But I suppose they get somewhere in life a bit better if they're more educated, and the discipline of that makes a difference.
I was talking with John the other day about that and we were saying how we feel intimidated by them in terms of how much they have to study and do study. There's a reason why Asian people seem to generally be smart, or intelligent. Because they study so hard! That's a generalization, but the general manner in which they do their work an dlive their lives is pretty diciplined it seems. But the thing about it is that they dont seem to be working all that hard. They just seem to be relaxing at the same time, like in the little stores everywhere, there's TV and they're watching it. Or in a restaraunt, they're sitting there eating or socializing. I dont know quite how that works, but the thing is that they're ALWAYS there. Stores are open til 10 every night, and who knows how long restaraunts are open.
And here all of us Westerners only work from 8 to 5. And then we go and hang out, drink beers, play sports, and stuff like that. BUT, the comparison could be the same because even if we're drinking away, or socializign then, we are still being schooled in life. So dunno, how do you argue that.
I keep sittingdown towrite, and I just havent had much energy for it. My schedule is a bit more draining this month. New school year, new students, (the number has doubled now for the new school year here at Kids Club), new everything.
My schedule is from either 10 or 11 am to 7 pm. Yah, I'm complaing a little cuz it's a few hours more than I've been working, but I shouldnt complain becuase after comparing notes to the other English teachers here, I've got a really really great schedule. Some teachers are working starting 6 am, and finish at 10 pm. Usually a few hours break between, but still. So I'm really thankful about that.
What else....um....not much else except I really gotta crank down and not spend money on little things. They sure add up.
Oh, and in school for the last few weeks I've been having all these stupid paranoid thoughts in my brain about my performance. Iv'e realized all the stupid stuff that goes on in my brain and how it relates to my performance, and my attitude about myself. It's really pathetic, actually. I just have realized how I think myself down so much that it really starts to happen. UGh....sssstupid! So this is a major thing that I've been learning that all my worry mostly is in my own head. I suppose it's because even though people are all around me, the language difference helps to isolate thoughts or feelings, or makes you wonder why you are feelign a certain way, and what is the cause and effect, and what part of it is cultural, and what part is yourself and your culture, and realizign those differences. It's really fascinating I'm sure to study...and quite another thing to be in that situation, and to deal with it.
What else...dunno cant think of anything at the moment. Except that its interesting how life just goes on. There's all the excitement and new experiences of moving to a new country, and then life happens again, and you have to learn to deal with it from another perspective, and I'm sooooo glad I've finally had the opportunity to experience this! Woohoo! And now I dont think I want to stop! I wish I could travel around and go somewhere different every 3 months. That would be perrrfect. You could live there for a little bit, enough to find out the gist of the place, and the goodies, and then try out the next place. I wonder what kind of job that I could get like that. Hmmmmm. A job that pays a lot of money I suppose.
K, signing out for now. Oh, it's starting to warm up and its feelin like spring. YAYYyyy! I must say I have absolutely LOVED the weather here in the winter...cold or not..it's DRY and sunny usually. LOVe it!
Ciao or Annyongkyseyoo
These poor kids. They work so hard. They're really in school from 6 am till 10 pm. Tonight there was a kid falling asleep in my class, and its not the first time. That's not from me...c'mon...it's from them workin long hours. I see kids out on the street at midnight a lot of times too. Usually they're out playing around by then like kids should be. But I suppose they get somewhere in life a bit better if they're more educated, and the discipline of that makes a difference.
I was talking with John the other day about that and we were saying how we feel intimidated by them in terms of how much they have to study and do study. There's a reason why Asian people seem to generally be smart, or intelligent. Because they study so hard! That's a generalization, but the general manner in which they do their work an dlive their lives is pretty diciplined it seems. But the thing about it is that they dont seem to be working all that hard. They just seem to be relaxing at the same time, like in the little stores everywhere, there's TV and they're watching it. Or in a restaraunt, they're sitting there eating or socializing. I dont know quite how that works, but the thing is that they're ALWAYS there. Stores are open til 10 every night, and who knows how long restaraunts are open.
And here all of us Westerners only work from 8 to 5. And then we go and hang out, drink beers, play sports, and stuff like that. BUT, the comparison could be the same because even if we're drinking away, or socializign then, we are still being schooled in life. So dunno, how do you argue that.
I keep sittingdown towrite, and I just havent had much energy for it. My schedule is a bit more draining this month. New school year, new students, (the number has doubled now for the new school year here at Kids Club), new everything.
My schedule is from either 10 or 11 am to 7 pm. Yah, I'm complaing a little cuz it's a few hours more than I've been working, but I shouldnt complain becuase after comparing notes to the other English teachers here, I've got a really really great schedule. Some teachers are working starting 6 am, and finish at 10 pm. Usually a few hours break between, but still. So I'm really thankful about that.
What else....um....not much else except I really gotta crank down and not spend money on little things. They sure add up.
Oh, and in school for the last few weeks I've been having all these stupid paranoid thoughts in my brain about my performance. Iv'e realized all the stupid stuff that goes on in my brain and how it relates to my performance, and my attitude about myself. It's really pathetic, actually. I just have realized how I think myself down so much that it really starts to happen. UGh....sssstupid! So this is a major thing that I've been learning that all my worry mostly is in my own head. I suppose it's because even though people are all around me, the language difference helps to isolate thoughts or feelings, or makes you wonder why you are feelign a certain way, and what is the cause and effect, and what part of it is cultural, and what part is yourself and your culture, and realizign those differences. It's really fascinating I'm sure to study...and quite another thing to be in that situation, and to deal with it.
What else...dunno cant think of anything at the moment. Except that its interesting how life just goes on. There's all the excitement and new experiences of moving to a new country, and then life happens again, and you have to learn to deal with it from another perspective, and I'm sooooo glad I've finally had the opportunity to experience this! Woohoo! And now I dont think I want to stop! I wish I could travel around and go somewhere different every 3 months. That would be perrrfect. You could live there for a little bit, enough to find out the gist of the place, and the goodies, and then try out the next place. I wonder what kind of job that I could get like that. Hmmmmm. A job that pays a lot of money I suppose.
K, signing out for now. Oh, it's starting to warm up and its feelin like spring. YAYYyyy! I must say I have absolutely LOVED the weather here in the winter...cold or not..it's DRY and sunny usually. LOVe it!
Ciao or Annyongkyseyoo
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