Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Strange and wonderful country

Well yes, this is a strange country sometimes. I'm trying to remember all my observations, but I always seem to forget them when I sit down to write. Hmmm... One rightnow is that they serve sponge cake and whipped cream and cherry tomatoes together! Interesting. The taxis can go ahead of the cars at a light, and go right around to the front if they're not too far behind...gotta love that. The kids get a birthday cake and the teachers eat it. Yep..that happens...poor kids. Maybe that's a good idea tho. Not so much sugar high. Ha ha.
I went to E-mart last night to get some groceries. It's like a superstore but a huge 5 floor one. one floor for groceries, another for clothes, another for household stuff, and others for services...etc. Quite a good idea, actually. Stores usually have only one of an item...department stores or not. What you see on the rack is what u get, so everything looks like a mishmash of stuff, but somehow it works. There are individual stores on the one department floor, so any section you go to is a different subsection store. The thing I like is how special you feel. Everyone is expected to tag along with you while you are browsing or shopping. At first it was a bit uncomfortable and annoying..but u get used to it. The key words are 'eye shopping'.
The special feeling is from all the attendees bowing to you if you pass by or give any sort of attention their way. It feels like a red carpet sometimes. And very polite with a twist of class to it...even if it's normal here. I wonder what I'll do when i get back to Canada and start bowing to everyone!! Just habit now.
Gotta run to class now.

1 comment:

Obi Won Kenardly said...

Hey Wendy - I like your blog. I will check in regularly. It is a cool life you are living...

Speak to you soon
